Trefoil Guild new unit grant

What you need to know about this grant from the Trefoil Guild to help you open a new guiding unit.

A helping hand for your new unit from the Trefoil Guild. 

If you're opening a new guiding unit, you will need some key resources from Girlguiding to get started. This grant helps to cover the costs by funding a starter pack with your choice of items.

Who is eligible?

Any new unit can apply, providing their application is received by the Trefoil Guild office within six months of the unit's first meeting.

A unit that has re-opened after a break of at least a year can also apply.

A maximum of £50 can be awarded to a unit.


What does the funding cover?

Your starter pack is made up of items to the value of £50 that you can choose from the Girlguiding online shop. The starter pack excludes badges, guiding wear or regional publications.

Apply for this funding

If you're a new unit, then fill out the starter park application and return it to the Trefoil Guild.