Our advocates influence the direction of Girlguiding's advocacy and shape our research
The advocates seek change to improve all girls' lives.
The advocate panel gives girls a platform to use their voices and seek change at the highest levels. Our advocates are a group of Girlguiding young members aged 14 to 25 that lead the direction of Girlguiding's advocacy and research.
What do advocates do?
Advocates talk to MPs and other politicians, act as media spokespeople for Girlguiding and speak at many types of events.
They learn new skills and discuss issues that matter to them and their peers. They've focused on body confidence, the representation of girls and women in media and politics, education, violence against women and girls, young people’s mental health, and loads more! All of the advocates come to the group with different perspectives and ideas but they are all passionate about issues that affect girls and young people.
Here are some examples of what the advocates do:
Our advocates take action against sexual harassment in schools - they put pressure on the government to take action got heard. As a result, the government launched an inquiry. We continue to call for more action.
Our advocates speak out about online harms- they marked Safer Internet Day 2022 by speaking at an event in parliament on the importance of a safe and positive experience for children and young people online.
Our advocates lead the Girls' Attitudes Survey - they shape the questions and they make sure people in power hear what girls told us by speaking to the media, contacting politicians and writing blogs.
Our advocates attend party conferences - they attend important parliamentary meetings and events to provide evidence of what life is like for girls in the UK.
If you'd like to find out more, please email [email protected]
How to get involved
We haven't announced when we'll reopen advocate recruitment yet, but if you let us know you're interested by completing this form, you'll be one of the first to know when we do: advocate recruitment information sign up.
Meet the advocates

Aishah, 18, LaSER First year advocate
Aishah has been a member of Girlguiding since the age of 5. Starting off as a Rainbow and now as a Ranger and Leader at her local Guides Unit, she is excited to now take on a national role as an advocate. Aishah wishes to encourage young women and girls to take up leadership opportunities and acquire positions of power. She is also passionate about ensuring the safety of women and girls and has a strong interest in ensuring women of colour are seen, heard and catered for in whatever institutions they are a part of.

Alwen, 14, Cymru First year advocate
Alwen has been a member of her local Girl Guide section for three years, having joined after covid. Alwen has progressed from being a Guide to a Ranger, and is currently following the young leader program with her Brownie section. Alwen joined the advocate panel as she would like to raise awareness of Girlguiding in her local area, and promote the good work the advocate panel has already completed. Alwen is passionate that all girls can reach their full potential without any discrimination.

Charlotte, 23, North West Second year advocate
Charlotte has been a member of Girlguiding for 17 years. She started as a Rainbow and has progressed through the programme to become a Guide leader in Liverpool. She joined the advocate panel because she was motivated by the opportunity to raise awareness of neurodiversity. She's passionate about encouraging girls to pursue their dreams regardless of whether the career is stereotyped. Charlotte is 21, has graduated from the University of Liverpool with a law degree and is currently studying for her solicitors qualifying exams.

Charlotte, 17, LaSER Second year advocate
Having been in Girlguiding for 10 years, Charlotte has an ever-increasing love for travel, adventure, and of course badges. She is passionate about women in STEM subjects, especially maths, but also is conscious on campaigning for the environment, body image issues, and freedom of religion. Charlotte became a Girlguiding advocate so that she could speak up on behalf of girls and young women, and to increase her confidence and independence.

Eloise, 19, North West Second year advocate
Eloise has been a member of Girlguiding for 13 years. She's 18 and is currently a Ranger and Brownie leader in Cheshire. She joined the advocate panel in 2023 in order to share her experiences after progressing through all the sections of Girlguiding and work with other advocates to shape the future of the organisation. She's passionate about breaking down the stereotypes placed on women, particularly in professional jobs, and encouraging them to have high aspirations.

Erin, 16, Scotland First year advocate

Grace, 20, South West Second year advocate
Grace joined Girlguiding as a Rainbow in 2008, and, at age 20, is now a leader. She joined the advocate panel wanting to bring education and acceptance around the topic of neurodiversity. Grace wanted to speak up on behalf of Girlguiding members to create a more accessible world for young women and girls. She believes that everyone should have access to reasonable accommodations and support so that they can have adventures, learn and thrive in life. In the last year her passion has grown, campaigning for better online safety and mental health support for girls. Grace also has a strong interest in providing more provision for girls in sport, protecting the environment and women in STEM.

Hannah, 17, Anglia First year advocate
Hannah has been a member of Girlguiding for over 12 years. She started as a Rainbow, with her mum as her leader, and progressed through the programme to become a young leader at a Rainbow unit and a Brownie unit in Oxfordshire. She joined the advocate panel because she is passionate about supporting girls with mental illness, and ensuring that all girls and young women have access to the support they need.

Hannah-Ruth, 18, Ulster First year advocate
Hannah-Ruth has been a member of Girlguiding for over 12 years. She started as a Rainbow and progressed through Brownies and Guides and is currently a Ranger. She joined the panel as the advocate for Ulster along with Katie to give young girls the same oipportunities that she has had, and to inspire girls to believe that they can do anything. Hannah-Ruth is passionate about removing the stigma around mental health, breaking gender stereotypes, empowering girls and shaping an organisation that allows girls to become the changemakers of the future that we so desperately need.

Hilary, 18, LaSER First year advocate
Hilary progressed through Rainbows and Brownies and later returned as a Ranger. Now 18, she hopes to become a leader next year! She's passionate about educating others on the impact of intersectionality, equal healthcare for women and girls, inclusion in STEM fields, and, as a wheelchair user, she's determined to spread awareness about accessibility and disability rights. Hilary is incredibly dedicated to her Girlguiding promise and is excited to have the opportunity to fully pursue that as a member of the Advocate panel by encouraging other girls to speak out and passing on the life-changing skills Girlguiding has given her.

Jiya, 17, Anglia Second year advocate
Jiya’s role within Girlguiding is as a young leader. Jiya joined the advocate panel to represent Girlguiding and give all girls the power of a voice. She’s passionate about encouraging more women and girls into STEM industries, as well as ensuring everyone has access to the food they need.

Katie, 17, Ulster First year advocate
'I am specifically interested in advocating for girls who are neurodivergent and my aim is to make a difference so that there is less stigma and more understanding around this topic. It’s such a rewarding position to take on and I feel proud to be able to represent Girlguiding in the UK and specifically Northern Ireland where I am based. I’m really excited to discover what the next two years have in store for me as a Girlguiding Advocate and hope to inspire others to join the guiding programme that has been so instrumental to my life for the past 13 years.'

Liberty, 16, North West First year advocate
'I’ve been involved with Girlguiding since I started Rainbows, and I’m currently in Rangers. I’m very passionate about women’s rights, and how girls are treated in school, as well as how they’re educated and what they’re educated about. I’d like for young female voices to be heard, and for us to receive more education on women’s issues. I wanted to be an advocate in order to share my own voice & the voices of other girls. I love being an advocate and all of the opportunities we’re given that I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. And I love making friends with the other advocates!'

Lucy, 16, North East Second year advocate
Lucy has been a member of Girlguiding for almost 12 years. She started as a Rainbow then progressed through the sections before finally becoming a Ranger and young leader. She joined the advocate panel to inspire other young people to speak up about issues that are important to them. Lucy is passionate about women in politics, period poverty, dismantling gender stereotypes, and ending sexual harassment.

Lydia, 17, Midlands Second year advocate
Lydia has been part of Girlguiding for 11 years. They joined the advocate panel because they are passionate about recognition of women’s contributions both throughout history and today and encouraging women to support each other by breaking down barriers put upon them by others. Being part of Girlguiding makes her feel confident and supported as she is surrounded by likeminded young women.

Megan, 22, Cymru Second year advocate
Megan has been a member of Girlguiding for over 15 years. She has experienced all sections of guiding from Rainbows through to leadership level. She became an advocate because she's passionate about giving girls a voice and promoting the issues that are important to them. Megan is particularly passionate about gender equality, mental health, promoting diversity and inclusion for all and the environment.

Millie, 17, South West Second year advocate
Millie has been a member of Girlguiding for 12 years. She joined as a Rainbow, then went through the sections and is now a Ranger and young leader. She is passionate about eradicating period poverty, women in politics, ending violence against women and girls, and effective RSHE in schools. She joined the Advocate panel to speak up about these issues and empower girls' voices.

Molly, 21, South West Second year advocate
Molly has been a member of Girlguiding for over 15 years. She joined as a Rainbow and progressed through Brownies and Guides, and she now holds roles as a Brownie leader and peer educator in Hampshire West and LaSER regions. She joined the advocate panel as she wants to enable girls and young women to have a voice and a space to learn and grow together and as individuals. Molly is passionate about the education system for girls, sexual harassment within schools, women in sport and the importance of mental health and wellbeing for all members.

Robin, 19, Cymru First year advocate
Robin started Rainbows in 2008 and has been a part of Girlguiding throughout growing up. Now a leader in training, they joined the panel as they want to destigmatise feminism and encourage girls to be confident and heard. Robin says: 'A goal of mine is to destigmatise things that are misunderstood - like mental and physical health, body image, and beauty standards - to bring people together and work on what we're all passionate about - like climate change and the economy - because together we are mighty!'

Staci, 19, Scotland First year advocate
Staci has been in Girlguiding since she was 5 years old, starting as a Rainbow and progressing through Brownies, Guides, Rangers, and now volunteering as a unit leader. She is passionate about improving young people’s mental health by widening access to support and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. She also wants to encourage girls and women to participate in fields traditionally dominated by men and reduce education inequality. Staci joined the advocate panel as she wanted to be a role model for other girls and young women, and give girls a voice.