Inspire (18-30)

Our community for women aged 18 to 30 is fun, flexible and tailored to you

Be part of our community of young women having adventures, gaining skills and making memories to last a lifetime.

If you’re aged 18–30, you’re automatically a member of inspire, a network for our young volunteers. 

Whether you want to travel the world, build your CV, support girls or simply have fun with new friends, you can do it with Girlguiding Inspire. There are loads of ways to get involved. Some of our opportunities are through volunteering with local Girlguiding units, others you can do on your own. 

What you can do

When you're a part of Inspire, you take the lead on your own journey within 1 of 7 pathways. You can follow 1 particular pathway. Or, because we’re all different, mix and match to create a new path just for you!

You can apply directly for national opportunities or contact your local country or region to find out more about Girlguiding Inspire in your area.

Check out some of the things you can do...

1. Challenge yourself to an adventure

Challenge yourself, explore and be courageous. Some of the opportunities are a chance to develop your skills by working towards a formal qualification. But there’s plenty you can do that's just for fun too. You could...

  • Plan your own outdoor adventure. It might be a trip for young girls or with your guiding friends to step into a new space where you feel brave.
  • Lead an outdoor adventure. Complete training to take girls on adventurous outings, like canoeing, climbing or walking.
  • Go on an organised adventure. When you get in touch with your local Inspire network, find out of there are any adventures planned you can join!

Don't forget to explore our adventure ideas and find out more about outdoor training schemes.

2. Join the international Guiding movement

As a member of Girlguiding, you’re also part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). With WAGGGS, you can travel overseas and take part in guiding activities with women from across the world. 

3. Gain event experience

Gain event skills that can be used in lots of ways - from hosting work meetings to planning big celebrations and running festivals.

This procedure includes information on when it applies, guidance for planning your event and a form to send to your commissioner to notify them about the event. This type of residential is eligible for Queen’s Guide Award Outdoor Challenge.

Organisations connected to Girlguiding, such as SSAGO and the Trefoil Guild, don’t need to follow this procedure when organising events for their own members.

4. Share skills

We know many of you want to share your skills to support the development of younger girls.

  • Already a Girlguiding member? Contact your local commissioner to find out about flexible roles in your area. Not yet a member? Find out more about different ways to volunteer and register your interest.
  • Contact your local commissioner to set up a county skills pool. From Zumba to geocaching, share skills with other Girlguiding members!
  • Contact your local unit to see if you can offer skills to your local area. If you can't commit to a weekly meeting, don't worry! Perhaps you have a special skill to share with girls on a one-off basis.
  • Become an advisor or commissioner. Your area might be looking for someone with your skills. Check out roles in your local area.
  • Complete a course, qualification or award. Choose from the Queen's Guide award, the highest award you can work towards in guiding, or browse our learning and development opportunities.

5. Lead the way

6. Develop others

Help others to develop their own skills and knowledge and you’ll play a crucial part in making guiding the best it can be. 

  • Become a mentor. You don't need to be an expert - just a friendly face who has achieved a Girlguiding qualification and would like to help others to the same.
  • Become a Girlguiding qualified trainer. Support our volunteers to deliver great experience for girls and be a role model for other leaders.
  • Register your interest to volunteer with a local unit. It's one of the most reward ways to help others develop!
  • Become an Inspire coordinator. Counties are always on the lookout for someone to be the main contact for Inspire members in their area. Read the role description and contact your local area to get involved.

7. Lend your voice

Campaign on an issue that’s important to you, take action in your community, get involved in decision-making, or support other women to make their voice heard. All while gaining new skills in the process.

  • Join the advocate panel, our group of Girlguiding members aged 14-25, who help girls make real-world change by getting involved in media and politics. They're recruited once a year in the spring.
  • Join Amplify, our youth steering group for girls aged 12-18 that make sure girls' voices are at the heart of everything we do.
  • Be a Girlguiding campaign supporter by taking part in our current social action and campaigns. 

Ready to begin your next guiding adventure?

Looking for a new guiding community? Then Girlguiding Inspire is for you. Many local areas have networks of Inspire members to get in touch with each other and access opportunities together. Check out the contact area to get in touch with your local inspire community.