Moving to a new area

Make sure your daughter stays part of Girlguiding by transferring her to another unit

Moving to a new area can be a big change.

Staying involved in Girlguiding in their new area is a great way for girls to settle in, make new friends and continue their guiding adventure.

  • Find a new unit for your daughter using GO. Instructions on how to do this are in the 'How do I transfer my child to another unit' section of our GO guide for parents and carers. Or call our free telephone number: 0800 1 69 59 01 (weekdays 9am-5pm).
  • Ask your current unit leader to provide you with your child's registration number.
  • When you move to the new unit, pass this number to the new leader who will reactivate your child's record.
  • This way your child's record and guiding history is saved - so you won't need to fill out any more forms.

Remember that units in your new area may have waiting lists to join, so ask about a transfer place as soon as you know you are moving.