Pears Foundation

Pears Foundation funds important work to improve girls' lives

The continued support of Pears Foundation is helping Girlguiding to be our best.

When Pears Foundation began working with us in 2014, they supported us to take our next step as the largest youth organisation dedicated to girls in the UK. 

Pears Foundation gives us funding, support and contacts. They’ve funded a number of projects, including how we can improve our volunteer experience, to focusing on growth to strengthen guiding in areas across England. They’ve helped us take on innovative initiatives, as well as reach girls in deprived communities.

All of the support we have received from Pears also helps us take on a large impact research project called the Girls' Attitudes Survey. It's about how we can make a greater difference to the lives of all our young members. 

Helping us put girls in the lead

The project was inspired by research which showed that although our work had a positive impact on the lives of the girls we supported, we still had more to do to engage and inspire potential and existing members.

We are proud to support Girlguiding. With over half a million members, including adult volunteers, it is one of the institutions that form the backbone of British society. It is open and accessible to girls and women from all walks of life, encouraging them to get involved in their communities and make a positive contribution.' - Trevor Pears CMG, Executive Chair of the Pears Foundation

Supporting our amazing volunteers

We’re so pleased to have the continued support of Pears Foundation in rolling out our strategy. Currently, the foundation is helping us to develop and pilot an innovative recruitment and retention model for volunteers in West Essex. 

The aim of this project is to develop learning and best practice which will be shared nationally, supporting us to grow and sustain our fantastic community of volunteers. It will help us ensure that we can offer more girls and young women the chance to join Girlguiding. 

This project is truly collaborative, with Pears Foundation working alongside us to offer support, knowledge and advice.  

About Pears Foundation

Pears Foundation is an independent, British family foundation that is rooted in Jewish values. Every year, it invests around £15 to 20 million of private money in good causes with a focus on social progress and well-being.

Interested in supporting us?

Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our partnerships with trusts and foundations, and to explore how your trust could support our work. We'd love to hear from you.