Virtual games for all ages
We created these virtual games for girls to play on video calls during the Covid-19 pandemic
While most of us (fortunately) don’t have much use for these virtual games anymore, we’ve kept them available online for anyone to enjoy.
They were created during the Covid-19 pandemic to add some fun to our virtual meetings. But if your unit can't meet face-to-face right now - or you're looking for some fun games to keep your young ones entertained during the holidays - check out the activities below.
All the ideas are written for young people – so why not ask them to pick their favourite and share it with everyone on the call?
What's that noise?
Crackle, whizz, bang, whoosh! What’s that noise?
It’s time to transform into noise detectives and solve the mystery! Take turns switching off your camera and find something nearby to make a noise. For example, you could scrunch up a piece of paper, spin a coin or play a musical instrument. You could even use a body part, like clapping your hands or make a funny animal noise.
Try it this way
If you can’t turn your camera off, move away from the screen or tilt your camera upwards so nobody can see you!
Everybody else - once the noise has been made a few times, try guessing what you think it could be. Keep going until someone guesses it right.
Top tip
Make your noise close to the microphone so that everyone can hear you.
Keep playing, taking turns making your funny noises. See who’s the best noise detective!
Bring me something…
It’s adventure time! But before you set off, listen to what you’ll need along the way. Your leader will ask you to find something to bring for the journey. They’ll tell you a category, and you have to find something that fits. For example, if they say ‘bring me something fluffy’, you might bring a soft toy, a feather or your blanket!
Once you have your item, show everyone on your screen. You might want to tell everyone else what it is. Keep going looking for new items that you could bring on your adventure with you!
Note to leader
Here are some examples to get you started. Add as many rounds as you would like to keep the game going.
Bring me something…
- That is fluffy.
- That makes a funny noise.
- That makes you smile.
- That you can eat with.
Take it further
Look at all the items you gathered. What kind of adventure do you think you could go on with them?
10 seconds to go!
Can you talk forever about something you love? Let’s put it to the test. Your leader’s going to choose a topic they know your unit loves – it could be ice-cream, animals, Rainbows, fruit or even chocolate!
Choose a Rainbow to go first. You have 10 seconds to chat all about it. You might say things you love about it, describe what it looks like or make up a quick story about it. Your leader will time you.
After 10 seconds your leader will choose someone else to keep talking about that topic. Can you say different things about it that the Rainbow before didn’t say? How much can you talk about something you all love? Give it a go, changing what you talk about every time you play.
Asteroid antics
You’ll each need a balloon for this game. If you don’t have a balloon you could use a ball instead. Your leader will need a music player and some music too.
Oh no! Asteroids incoming! It’s time to transform into space cadets and save planet Earth. Quickly, everyone grab your balloon or ball. When the music starts playing try to keep it in the air, but you can’t keep hold of it (so either use your hands to push the balloon up, or keep throwing and catching your ball). When the music stops, listen to your leader as they choose a few Rainbows to complete a mission. Keep playing the music and completing the missions until your leader tells you the Earth is saved!
- Sing a part of your favourite song in a funny voice.
- Count to 10 whilst spinning around.
- Pat your head whilst rubbing your tummy for five seconds.
- Find something that’s one of the colours of the Rainbow in your room.
- Do a funny dance move to make everyone laugh.
Bingo lingo
You’re going to need paper, a pencil and felt tips or colouring pencils for this game.
Before you start, ask an adult to help you draw out a few separate 3x3 grids, so you have a grid of nine squares.
Choose someone to be the first number caller. This could be your leader. Everyone else, fill your first grid with nine numbers between 1 - 20. Make sure you don’t write the same number more than once. Ready? Let’s play bingo lingo!
The number caller will say a number between 1 and 20 – but they can’t play this round. If you have that number in your grid, use a felt tip or colouring pencil to colour in that box. Keep listening and colour in the boxes that have your number.
When you have all the boxes coloured in, shout as loud as you can, ‘Bingo lingo!’. You’re the winner of that round. Choose someone else to be the number caller and play again.
Strike a pose
Turn the music up, it’s time to put your dancing shoes on and strike the best Rainbow pose!
Your leader’s going to show you four dance freezes. Take some time to practise them together. When you’ve all mastered the moves, pop some music on and dance along.
When the music stops, choose one of the dance freezes and hold the pose. Did you all choose the same one? Put the music back on and keep practising your amazing moves.
Now, choose someone to be the dance master – this could be your leader. When the music stops, if your pose is the same as the dance master you get a point. The first to three points wins.
Keep playing, swapping the dance master between rounds.
Dance freezes:
- Saturday night fever: place one arm on your hip and the other pointing up to the sky.
- Waltzing wonders: Hold your hands out like you’re about to dance with someone else.
- Stuck in a box: place your hands next to your head so it looks like you’re in a box.
- Jazz hands: put your hands in the air with your fingers spaced out, remember to stay still!
The alphabet game
Choose someone to be the first alphabet picker. Your job is to silently go through the alphabet in your head until someone tells you to stop. Say the letter you stopped on out loud, for example ‘E’ or ‘J’.
Your leader will give you a theme and ask one of you to say something that begins with the letter and is in the theme. For example, if someone stopped on ‘A’, and your leader asked you to think of a food you might say ‘apple’ or ‘apricot’. If you can think of another word that begins with the letter and is in the theme, raise your hand. How many words can you think of that begin with the letter?
Once you’re done, choose someone to be the next alphabet picker. Keep going, working your way through different letters and themes. How many words can you come up with together?
Themes suggestions:
- Food.
- Cartoon characters.
- Animals.
- Things that have buttons.
- Sports or hobbies.
- Colours.
- Things that have stripes.
- Ice cream flavours.
Higher or lower?
Note to leader: You’ll need a pack of playing cards for this game. Remove the face cards from the pack.
Do you have magical card reading powers? Your leader will show you a card. Do you think the next one they pick will have a higher (bigger) or lower (smaller) number on it? Shout out your answer. Were you right?
Have a practise round. Now you’re warmed up, it’s time to play. Every time your leader shows you a card, either shout higher or lower, or put your thumbs up or down. If you’re right, you’re still in the game! If you were wrong, put your hands on your head and stay silent. Who will stay in the game the longest?
Keep playing to see how far your mind reading powers can take you!
What's in my bag?
Note to leader: come up with 6 random items to call out to the girls. For example, hedgehog, butterfly, plate, dinosaur, flower, slipper.
Rainbows, before your next meeting, grab a bag or empty pillowcase and put in 6 random items that you find around your house. You could grab things like a toy, a spoon, a piece of fruit, or your favourite fridge magnet. If you’re not sure if you can use something, ask the person that owns it.
Make sure you have your bag near you when you join your next Rainbows meeting. And don’t tell anyone what’s inside – it’s a secret!
Your leader’s going to call out 6 things, 1 by 1. After each word, look in your bag and see what you have that reminds you of that thing. For example, if they say ‘hedgehog’, see if you have something that’s either spikey or brown.
If you find something that looks like the object, you get 1 point, your leader will be the judge.
Keep going, trying to pull out a different item each time. Who has the most points at the end? You’re the winner!
Next time you play the game, look for different items around your home.
Picture perfect
You’ll each need a pencil and one sheet of paper per drawing for this game. Decide as a unit how many drawings you’d like to do before starting, two or three would be good.
Can you tell your apple from your banana? It’s time to put your artistic skills to the test!
Your leader will share their screen that has a picture of an object on it. Without looking down at your sheet of paper, can you draw what you see? You have one minute for each drawing. Keep your eyes looking at the camera - don’t peek.
When the time’s up, show off your masterpieces with each other. Did anyone’s drawing look like what they saw?
Keep going, swapping the pictures and trying it again. Practise makes perfect, so it might get easier the more you play!
Guess who?
Do you have magical mind reading powers? Can you guess who your leader is thinking about, with only a few questions?
To start, everyone raise your hand. Your leader’s going to choose one Rainbow in your unit, but won’t say her name out loud. Together, take turns asking your leader a question to try and find out who they’re thinking about.
For example, you could ask, ‘Does she have brown hair?’ If your leader answers ‘no’, then all the Rainbows with brown hair must put their hand down. This is to show they’re not the chosen Rainbow. Keep going with lots of questions until there’s only one Rainbow with her hand up. She’s the Rainbow your leader chose!
Play as many times as you like. When you’ve mastered the game, why not take turns choosing someone in your unit?
Questions you could ask:
- Is she wearing her Rainbow uniform?
- Does her name begin with the letter ‘B’?
- Does she have blonde hair?
- Is she holding a piece of fruit or a vegetable? (you could add in props to make it more fun!)
- Is she 6 years old?
Sounds in the round
Let’s try and make a sound orchestra.
Time to practise! What sounds can you all make? Why not try out some of these together: clicking, clapping, saying oohs and ahhs. One by one, make a sound. Then, all make sounds at the same time.
Once you’ve mastered those, have a look around your room to see if there’s anything you could use to make your sound. Perhaps you could hit a pan with a wooden spoon, or run your pen along the curly spine of a notebook? Once you’ve got something, bring it back to show and make a sound for your unit.
Take turns trying out your sounds until you’re ready to come together as an orchestra!
Now, find a beat. Altogether, slowly count out loud: one, two, three, four.
1 by 1, your leader will choose a Rainbow to make a noise on each beat. So, it might be: clap, clap, clap, clap. Your leader will then choose the next Rainbow to make their sound. Once you’ve all been, give yourself a big round of applause!
Wow! We bet that was a beautiful sound. When you’re back meeting face to face with your unit, why not play this game again, but try singing too!
Pass the pen
Work together to get a pen (or any other object you all have at home) passed around your whole unit and back to your leader!
Everyone grab a pen. Your leader will start. They’ll move their pen across the screen and call the name of the Rainbow they’re passing the pen to.
When they move their pen off screen, the Rainbow’s name who was called then moves her pen across the screen, passing it back to your leader. Your leader will then say the name of the next Rainbow and pass the pen across the screen again.
Can you all pass the pen back to your leader?
Now you’re warmed up, can you pass it around everyone and back to your leader in a big circle? Give it a go. Call another Rainbow’s name when it’s your turn. It might take a bit of practice.
Head to YouTube to find animated instructions for your group.
Are you up for the challenge?
Quick! Your leader needs your help to find some things she’s lost around her home. Can you find them in yours?
Listen to what she’s lost and when she says ‘Go!’, see if you can find them as quickly as possible. Bring them back to show your Rainbow friends.
Are you ready? Can you find…
- Something that starts with the first letter of your name?
- Something the colour orange?
- Your favourite toy or game?
- Something you love to eat?
- Something really soft?
- An adult?
What did you find? Did anyone else find the same thing?
Rainbow says
It’s time to play a game of Rainbow says!
Choose 1 girl to be the first caller. Listen carefully to what they say. If they start the action with ‘Rainbow says…’, do what they say. If they don’t, make sure you stay as still as a statue.
Have a practice with your different facial expressions:
- Be happy.
- Be sad.
- Be angry.
- Be shocked or scared.
- Poke your tongue out.
- Close your eyes.
Ready? Get playing! If you get it wrong twice, you’re out. Who can stay in the game the longest? Keep changing the caller every few goes so everyone gets a turn.
Knife, fork and spoon game
Everyone grab a fork, butter knife and spoon.
Place them down in front of you, making sure the handles are closest to you, and the knife is facing away.
Your leader is going to count 3, 2, 1…and when they say ‘Go!’, lift an item of cutlery. If it’s the same one as your leader, you get a point!
The first Rainbow to get 3 points wins and becomes the next caller.
Stay safe
Make sure not to use sharp objects, you can use plastic cutlery if you have this available. Instead of cutlery, you could also use different coloured pieces of paper or objects that everyone would have at home.
Photo captions
Before your next virtual meeting, send a photo or picture into your leader of something that makes you happy.
If you’re taking a photo, you could try to stage it to look like something, for example – you might have a teddy bear off on a big adventure!
In your next meeting, your leader will show everyone your photos. For each of them, try to come up with stories about what’s happening or could happen next. Who knows, perhaps you’ll come up with the next big Rainbow story!
Stay safe
Do not share any personal information in your photos, and if you’re using photos of anyone else, make sure to ask their permission before sharing.
Surprise sounds
Crash, bang, whizz, pop! What’s that sound?
It’s time to transform into detectives and solve the sound mystery! Take turns switching off your camera and find something nearby to make a noise. For example, you could scrunch up a piece of paper, spin a coin or play a musical instrument. You could even try to use a body part, like clicking or make a funny animal noise.
Try it this way
If you can’t turn your camera off, move away from the screen or tilt your camera upwards so nobody can see you!
Everybody else - once the noise has been made a few times, take turns guessing what you think it could be. Once everyone’s guessed – turn your camera back on and show them. Did anyone guess correctly?
Top tip
Make your noise close to the microphone so everyone can hear you.
Keep playing, taking turns to make your funny noises. Give yourself a point for every correct answer. Who’ll get the most right? They’re the chief detective and will make the first noise the next time you play.
Can you find...
It’s adventure time! But before you set off, listen to what you’ll need along the way. Your leader will ask you to find something to bring for the journey. They’ll tell you a category, and you have to find something that fits. For example, if they say ‘bring me something fluffy’, you might bring a soft toy, a feather or your blanket!
Once you have your item, show everyone on your screen. Take turns explaining how you’d use this item on an adventure.
Note to leader
Here are some examples to get you started. Add as many rounds as you’d like to keep the game going.
Bring me something…
- That’s fluffy.
- That makes a funny noise.
- That makes you smile.
- That keeps you warm.
- You can eat with.
- You can use to keep you dry in the rain.
Take it further
Look at all the items you gathered. What kind of adventure could you go on with them?
20 seconds to go!
Before you start, your leader could write a list of all the Brownies in your unit using the whiteboard function in Zoom. You could use this as the order of your game.
Can you talk forever about something you love? Let’s put it to the test. Your leader’s going to choose a topic that they know your unit loves – it could be ice-cream, animals, music, experiments or even chocolate!
Choose a Brownie to go first. You have twenty seconds to chat all about it. You might say things you love about it, describe what it looks like or make up a quick story about it. Your leader will time you. After twenty seconds your leader will choose someone else to keep the conversation going. Can you say different things about it that the Brownie before didn’t say? If you say something that someone has said before everyone else can shout ‘Buzz!’ to stop you and it’ll move onto the next Brownie.
How long can you keep the conversation going without being buzzed out? Give it a go, changing what you talk about every time you play.
Asteroid antics
You’ll each need a balloon for this game. If you don’t have a balloon you could use a ball instead. Your leader will need a music player and some music too.
Oh no! Asteroids incoming! It’s time to transform into space cadets and save planet Earth. Quickly, everyone grab your balloon or ball. When the music starts playing, try to keep it in the air but you can’t keep hold of it (so either use your hands to push the balloon up, or keep throwing and catching your ball). When the music stops, listen to your leader as they choose a few Brownies to complete a mission. Keep playing the music and completing the missions until your leader tells you the Earth is saved!
- Sing a part of your favourite song in a funny voice.
- Count to 10 with whilst spinning around.
- Pat your head whilst rubbing your tummy for 5 seconds.
- Find something the colour blue in your room.
- Tell a joke to make everyone laugh.
- Do a moon walk across your room.
- Say the alphabet backwards.
Bingo lingo
You’re going to need paper, a pencil and felt tips or colouring pencils for this game.
Before you start, draw out a few separate 3x3 grids on a piece of paper, so you have a grid of nine squares.
Choose someone to be the first number caller – this could be your leader. Everyone else, fill your first grid with 9 numbers between 1 - 20. Make sure you don’t write the same number more than once. Ready? Let’s play bingo lingo!
The number caller will say a number between 1 and 20 – they can’t play this round. If you have that number in your grid, use a felt tip or colouring pencil to colour in that box. Keep listening and colour in the boxes that have your number.
When you have a line coloured in (which could be across or up/down), shout ‘Bingo!’. You win 1 point.
Now it’s time to get a full house. Keep playing until someone colours in every box in their grid. If that’s you, shout, ‘Bingo lingo!’ as loud as you can. You win 3 points.
Play again, choosing someone else to be the number caller. Who’ll have the most points at the end?
Top tip
Bingo callers sometimes say funny phrases that rhyme with numbers. Why not ask your leaders to search for some, and use them in your bingo game too!
Strike a pose
Turn the music up, it’s time to put your dancing shoes on and strike the best Brownie pose!
Your leader’s going to show you 4 dance freezes. Take some time to practise them together. When you’ve all mastered the moves, pop some music on and dance along.
When the music stops, choose 1 of the dance freezes and hold the pose. Did you all choose the same one? Put the music back on and keep practising your amazing moves.
Now, choose someone to be the dance master – this could be your leader. When the music stops, if your pose is the same as the dance master you get a point. The first to 3 points wins. Keep playing, swapping the dance master between rounds.
Ready to up the challenge? Pick your own dance freezes or add in some new rules. Instead of points you could have knockout rounds and see which Brownies are the last left on the dancefloor!
Dance freezes
- Saturday night fever: place one arm on your hip and the other pointing up to the sky.
- Waltzing wonders: Hold your hands out like you’re about to dance with someone else.
- Stuck in a box: place your hands next to your head so it looks like you’re in a box.
- Jazz hands: put your hands in the air with your fingers spaced out, remember to stay still!
The alphabet game
You’ll need a pen and paper for this game.
Choose someone to be the first alphabet picker. Your job is to silently go through the alphabet in your head until someone tells you to stop. Say the letter you stopped on out loud, for example ‘E’ or ‘J’.
Everyone grab your pen and paper. Your leader will give you different themes and ask you to think of things that begin with the letter and fit the theme. There’ll be 3 rounds so get thinking. When you have an idea, jot it down on the paper.
Now take turns saying your answer to each theme. If no one’s said the same thing as you, you get 1 point.
Keep playing, changing the alphabet picker and themes. Once you’ve finished playing, count up your scores and see who has the most – you’re the winner!
Category suggestions
- Things to do at the weekend.
- Cartoon characters.
- Something you can see in your room.
- Farm animals.
- Animals you see at a zoo.
- Breakfast food.
- Sports and hobbies.
- Types of stationery.
- Things that are sticky.
- 4 letter words.
Higher or lower?
Note to leader: you’ll need a pack of playing cards for this game.
Do you have magical card reading powers? Your leader’s going to show you a card. Do you think the next one they pick will have a higher (bigger) or lower (smaller) number on it? Shout out your answer. Were you right? Remember face cards, or ones with pictures on them go higher from Jack, Queen to King. Decide as a unit if you want your Ace card to be the highest or lowest.
Have a practice round. Now you’re warmed up, it’s time to play. Every time your leader shows you a card, shout higher or lower or put your thumbs up or down. If you’re right, you’re still in the game! If you’re wrong, put your hands on your head and stay silent. Who will stay in the game the longest?
Keep playing, seeing how far your mind reading powers can take you.
Ready to up the challenge? Why not do a speed round, where the card turning gets faster, and faster, and faster!
What's in my bag?
Note to leader : come up with 8 random items to call out to the girls. For example, hedgehog, butterfly, plate, owl, dinosaur, flower.
Brownies, before your next meeting, grab a bag or empty pillowcase and put in 8 random items that you find around your house. You could grab things like a toy, a spoon, a piece of fruit, or your favourite fridge magnet. If you’re not sure if you can use something, ask the person that owns it.
Make sure you have your bag near you when you join your next Brownies meeting. And don’t tell anyone what’s inside – it’s a secret!
Your leader’s going to call out 8 things, 1 by 1. After each word, look in your bag and see what you have that reminds you of that thing. For example, if they say ‘hedgehog’, see if you have something that’s either spikey or brown.
If you find something that looks like the object, you get one point. Keep going, you can only use each item once. Who has the most points at the end? You’re the winner!
Next time you play the game, look for different items around your home.
Picture perfect
You’ll each need a pencil and one sheet of paper per drawing for this game. Decide as a unit how many drawings you’d like to do before starting, two or three would be good.
Can you tell your apple from your banana? It’s time to put your artistic skills to the test!
Your leader will share their screen that has a picture of an object on it. Without looking down at your sheet of paper, can you draw what you see? You’ll have 1 minute for each drawing. Keep your eyes looking at the camera - don’t peak.
When the time’s up, show off your masterpieces with each other. Vote which drawing is the most like the object.
Keep going, swapping the pictures and trying it again. Practice makes perfect, so it might get easier the more you play!
Guess who?
Before your meeting: can you bring any fun accessories to wear - for example, you might have goggles, helmets, silly hats or giant sunglasses, or something you could hold like a spoon or piece of fruit.
Can you read your leader’s mind? Can you guess who your leader’s thinking about with only a few questions?
To start, everyone raise your hand. Your leader’s going to choose 1 Brownie in your unit, but won’t say her name out loud. Together, take turns asking your leader a question to try and find out who they’re thinking about.
For example, you could ask, ‘Does she have brown hair?’. If your leader answers ‘no’, then all the Brownies with brown hair must put their hand down. This is to show they’re not the chosen Brownie. Keep going, with lots of questions until only 1 Brownie has her hand up. She’s the Brownie your leader chose!
Play as many times as you like, taking turns to choose someone in your unit.
Now you’ve mastered the game, add in some fun accessories to make it more difficult to guess!
Questions you could ask:
- Is she wearing her Brownie uniform?
- Does her name begin with the letter ‘K’?
- Does she have blonde hair?
- Is she holding a piece of fruit or a vegetable? (you could add in props to make it more fun!)
- Is she wearing a blue wig?
Sounds in the round
Let’s try and make a sound orchestra.
Practise time! What sounds can you all make? Can you make the same sounds together, at different tim
Let’s try and make a sound orchestra.
Practise time! What sounds can you all make? Can you make the same sounds together, at different times, or different sounds all together?
Why not try out some of these together: clicking, clapping, saying oohs and ahhs. Once you’ve mastered those, have a look around your room to see if there’s anything you could use to make your sound. Perhaps you could hit a pan with a wooden spoon, or run your pen along the curly spine of a notebook? Once you’ve got something, bring it back to make a sound for your unit.
Take turns trying out your sounds until you’re ready to come together as an orchestra!
Now, try and find a beat. Altogether, slowly count out loud: 1, 2, 3, 4.
1 by 1, your leader will choose a Brownie to make a noise on each beat. So, it might be: clap, clap, clap, clap. Your leader will then choose the next Brownie to make their sound. Once you’ve all been, give yourself a big round of applause.
Try it this way
Too easy? Why not choose an order before the performance and see if you can keep the beat going without your leader calling the Brownies names?
Wow! We bet that was a beautiful sound. When you’re back meeting face to face in your unit, why not play this game again, but try adding in singing too!
Pass the pen
Work together to get a pen (or any other object you all have at home) passed around your whole unit and back to your leader!
Everyone grab a pen. Your leader will start. They’ll move their pen across the screen and call the name of the Brownie they’re going to pass the pen to.
When they move their pen off screen, the Brownie’s name who was called then moves her pen across the screen and calls the name of another Brownie.
Keep going, and make sure everyone’s had the pen before you pass it back to your leader.
Now you’re warmed up, can you pass it around everyone and back to your leader in a big circle? Give it a go! It might take a bit of practise.
Now, this time every time it goes to someone who’s already had the pen, start again. Perhaps you could do actions to show you have or haven’t had the pen yet to help!
Check out how Girlguiding volunteers and staff tackled this game:
Head to YouTube to find animated instructions for your group
Are you up for the challenge?
Ready? It’s time to put your virtual Brownie skills to the test.
Your leader has some tricky challenges, can you beat them all?
Every time you complete a challenge, you get 1 point. Keep score of your own points as you go.
- Can you pull 10 different funny faces?
- Can you balance a pen on your head for 10 seconds? Try standing up and sitting down, can you keep it balanced?
- Can you say the alphabet really quickly without making a mistake?
- Can you draw a picture of a cat in a boat with your eyes closed?
- Can you name all of the Sixes in your unit in 10 seconds?
Now, for the final challenge, can you find things in your home that spell out SMILE (for example, you’ll need to find something that begins with S, M, I, L and E – so you might find soap for S or an egg for E!).
You get 1 point for every letter, and double points if no one else found the same things as you. Show off your items to everyone!
Who has the most points? They’re the winner!
Brownie says
It’s time to play a game of Brownie says! Choose 1 girl to be the first caller. Listen carefully to what they say.
If they start the action with ‘Brownie says…’, do what they say. If they don’t, make sure you stay as still as a statue.
Have a practice with your different facial expressions:
- Be happy.
- Be sad.
- Be angry.
- Be shocked or scared.
- Poke your tongue out.
- Close your eyes.
Ready? Get playing! If you get it wrong twice, you’re out. Who can stay in the game the longest? Keep changing the caller every few goes so everyone gets a turn.
Knife, fork and spoon game
Everyone grab a fork, butter knife and spoon. Place them down in front of you, making sure the handles are closest to you, and the knife is facing away.
Your leader is going to count 3, 2, 1…and when they say ‘Go!’, lift one item of cutlery. If it’s the same one as your leader, you get a point!
The first Brownie to get 3 points wins and becomes the next caller.
Stay safe
Make sure not to use sharp objects, you can use plastic cutlery if you have this available. Instead of cutlery, you could also use different coloured pieces of paper or objects that everyone would have at home.
Photo captions
Before your next virtual meeting, send a photo or picture into your leader of something that makes you happy. If you’re taking a photo, you could try to stage it to look like something, for example – you might have one of your toys earning an interest badge!
In your next meeting, your leader will show everyone your photos. For each of them, try to come up with stories about what’s happening or could happen next. Who knows, perhaps you’ll come up with the next big Brownie story!
Gone in a flash
Have you got great attention to detail? Could you tell me the colour of the last car you saw? It’s time to test your skills. Your leader’s going to show you something on their screen, you’ve got 10 seconds to take a really good look at it. Now you’ve got 30 seconds to find the closest match in your space.
On the count of 3, everyone hold up your items – apart from your leader. Look at everything everyone’s holding. In their head, your leader’s going to pick who has the most similar item. Everyone apart from your leader, vote on who you think has the most similar item.
Your leader’s going to hold up their item and call out who they picked. If you voted the same item as your leader – you get the point. Different? Then your leader gets the point. First to 5 points wins.
Try it this way
Too easy or too hard? Change the amount of time you can see the item for!
How long can you keep a story going without hesitating?
Altogether, you’re going to tell a story but only one word at a time. Decide what order you’re going to tell the story in and write the list of names in order in the chat box. This will let you know whose turn it is.
Pick a forfeit for story tellers who hesitate. It could be they have to stand up and dance until their next turn or they can only use emojis to speak for the next ten minutes.
Start telling your story, word by word. The story can be anything you want and take any twists and turns you think. You can’t stop telling the story until your leader says so. If you hesitate, don’t forget you have to do a forfeit.
The last twist in your tale telling adventure - if your leader calls out ‘story time!’ at the start of your turn, you have to continue telling the story until they call out ‘story’s over!’. Then it will go back to everyone only adding one word. Do you have a budding creative story writer among you?
Random dance shakeup!
It’s time to channel your inner dancing pro. Whoever has a dice needs to grab one – don’t worry if you don’t have one, buddy up with someone who does and they can roll for you.
For every number on the dice, as a unit choose a dance move (6 in total). Make sure everyone knows all the moves.
Ready to bust some moves? Choose someone to go first and roll the dice and call out what number it lands on. Everyone needs to start doing that dance move. Keep going taking turns to roll the dice and see your random dance come to life.
Time to shake it up! Everyone with a dice can roll it whenever they want this time and call out the number. See how many times your dance moves can change in a minute.
Top tip
You can add music but make sure everyone can still hear the number on the dice being called out. You could also use virtual dice for this game.
Last voice standing
Think you've got the fastest reaction speed in your unit? Time to test it out. Pick someone to be the game leader. We're going to start easy. The game leader is going to raise their hand. As soon as they do, put your hand up as quick as possible. When they lower their hand, do the same. Who was the last person to put their hand up and down?
That was easy peasy, right? Let's take it up a challenge level. We're going to do the exact same thing but this time with our voices. When your game leader starts to say out loud "lalalalalalala", everyone else needs to start doing the same and keep going until the game leader stops. Everyone has 3 lives and whoever was last to stop loses a life.
Top tip
Try not to shout or yell into the microphone. We don't want to give your leaders a headache!
If you're finding it hard to figure out who was last, try using hand movements at the same time.
Time's up, stand up!
You're going to need a timer for this one, make sure your leader has one that only they can see. We all know there are 60 seconds in a minute, but could you perfectly count up to it? Let's test. Together, try to guess when 20 seconds has passed. Your leader will time you. Did you get it right?
It can be quite hard to guess how much time has passed without looking at a clock. Your leader's going to pick a time between 5 and 100 seconds. Close your eyes and in your head, count up to the number. When you think the time's up, stand up! Your leader will time you and let you know who was closest.
Can anyone share a tip on how to make it easier to count up? Play another round and the winner of this round will become the distractor.
In the next round, the distractor's goal is to disrupts everyone's counting up. They can do this however they want – by telling jokes, calling out random numbers or performing a 1-Guide version of a musical. Whoever wins this round becomes the next distractor. Play a few rounds more.
Follow the Guide
Can you outsmart the guesser and work as a team to win this game?
Your leader’s going to pick someone to be the first guesser. The guesser needs to turn away from the screen and close their eyes. Your leader’s going to pick the first Guide captain by writing their name on a piece of paper and holding it up so everyone can see. Don’t say the name out loud! You don’t want the guesser to hear. If you’re the Guide captain put up your hand.
Top tip
If on your device you can’t see everyone, switch pages until you can see the Guide captain.
When you’re ready get the guesser to turn around. Everyone else, you need to pick a subtle action and start moving. You could cover your mouth, wink a lot, or stand perfectly still. As soon as you see the Guide captain’s action, change to copy it. Guide captain – you can change the action you’re doing and everyone else has to copy. But be careful that the guesser can’t tell!
Try it this way
Pick more energetic actions or dance move instead if you want to get your heart racing.
Guesser, can you guess who the Guide captain is? Keep your eyes peeled. If they get it wrong, everyone stop! On the count of 3 start again with new actions. The guesser gets 3 chances before it’s game over. Reveal the Guide captain to the guesser at the end. Pick a new guesser and Guide captain and play again.
Guides game off
Missing some of your favourite games that you play at Guides? Meeting virtually doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Discover how to play ladders online with a twist!
First, your leader will number everyone in pairs. In order, call out your number and wave to your partner. Now, your leader’s going to call out a random number. If it’s yours, quickly stand up and play rock, paper, scissors against your partner. Did you win? Give yourself a point! Keep playing, remembering to keep score of how many times you won.
It’s time to turn up the challenge. This time, listen carefully as your leader calls out a maths sum - for example, 6+5. If your number’s called out in the sum or is the answer (for example, for 11, number one’s will need to go twice), get up and challenge your partner to a game. If your leader calls out ‘Guides’, everyone needs to challenge their partner at the same time.
Topsy turvy
Can you get your friends to guess the right thing whilst only telling them what it’s not? Choose someone to go first. Find something in your room and hold it just off screen so no one else can see. Describe the opposite of what you’re holding. Make sure to not say what it is! For example, if you were holding a plate you could say it’s ball shaped, heavy, slimy, and wobbly.
If you think you know what they’re holding - call it out. If you get it right, you go next, or if you’ve been before you can choose the next item holder.
Top tip
Baffled your friends? Give them a little help. Give them 1 clue about something that it is and 1 clue about something it’s not. You could say that it couldn’t be used to throw in the air but it does live in your kitchen.
Scrunch, bang, pop
Crash, bang, whizz, pop! What was that?
Can you guess what noise is being made without seeing it? Close your eyes and click your fingers - does it sound how you imagined?
Now take turns switching off your cameras. Find something around you to make a noise. You might choose to open a soda bottle cap and let out a fizzing noise, play a musical instrument or scrunch up a piece of paper. You could even try to use a body part, like clapping – think outside the box!
Try it this way
If you can’t turn your camera off, move away from the screen or tilt your camera upwards so nobody can see you.
Once the noise has been made a few times, take turns guessing what you think it could be. Once everyone’s guessed – turn your camera back on and show them. Did anyone guess correctly?
Top tip
Make your noise close to the microphone so everyone can hear you.
Keep playing, taking turns to make your funny noises. Give yourself a point for every correct answer. Who’ll get the most right?
Why not add in some rules the next time you play – for example, you can only use natural materials or something you can find outside.
Show and tell
It’s adventure time! Before you set off, you’ll need to think about what’s important for your journey.
Your leader will say a category such as ‘show me something that will keep you dry’. Quickly look around your space and find something that fits the description.
Once you have your item, show everyone on your screen. Take turns telling everyone how you’d use this item on your adventure. You can think outside of the box. Why not award a point for the most inventive idea too? For example, maybe you couldn’t leave the country without taking your favourite cheese in case you can’t get it elsewhere, and you have it with every meal.
You get 1 point for bringing the item back first, and 1 point for the most inventive item. Your leader will keep score. Who’ll have the most by the end and be the top adventurer?
Note to leader
Here are some examples to get you started. Add as many rounds as you’d like to keep the game going.
Show me something…
- That would keep you safe.
- That would start a fire.
- You could trade for something you’d need.
- You could eat your food with.
- You can use to keep you dry.
- You can’t leave the country without.
- You could play sport with.
- You’d take on water.
- You’d wear for an outdoor activity.
Take it further
Look at all the items you gathered. What kind of adventure could you go on with them? Can you come up with a 30 second story on how you’ll use each item?
Just a minute!
Before you start, your leader will write a list of the Guides in your unit using the whiteboard function on Zoom. This will be the order for your game.
Your leader will choose a topic, for example chocolate or space, and pick a Guide to start. You have one minute to talk all about that topic. Your leader will time you. But, if you pause, hesitate, or bumble your words, everyone else can shout ‘Buzz!’ to stop you.
If you get buzzed, the next Guide on the list must keep the conversation going. How long can you keep chatting about that topic without being buzzed out? To make it harder, you can’t say the same thing anyone’s said before. Who’ll be the first to make it to one minute? They’re the winner!
Give it a go, changing what you talk about every time you play.
Asteroid antics
You’ll each need a balloon for this game. If you don’t have a balloon you could use a ball instead. Your leader will need a music player and some music too.
Oh no - asteroids incoming! It’s time to band together to save planet Earth. Everyone grab your balloon or ball. When the music starts playing, try to keep it in the air but you can’t keep hold of it (so either use your hands to push the balloon up, or keep throwing and catching your ball).
When the music stops, listen to your leader as they tell you your missions. Keep playing until you’ve completed all the missions.
- Take turns to sing a part of your favourite song in a funny voice.
- Quickly find something in your room for each colour of the Rainbow.
- Do something silly to make everyone laugh.
- Do a moon walk across your room.
- Say the alphabet backwards without making a mistake (every time you do, go back to the beginning – or end - of the alphabet).
Bingo lingo
You’re going to need paper and a pencil for this game.
Before you start, draw out on pieces of paper a 3x3 grid, so you have nine squares. Use a pencil for this game so that you can rub out between the rounds. You could use felt pens or colouring pencils too if you wanted, but you’ll need to have more than one grid if you want to play different rounds.
Decide as a unit how you’d like each round to be completed – will you go for lines or a full house?
Choose someone to be the first alphabet caller – this could be your leader. Everyone else, fill your grid with letters of the alphabet. Make sure to not have the same letter more than once. Ready? Let’s play bingo lingo!
Play the game as you would normally with bingo, colouring in or crossing out each letter when it’s said by the alphabet caller. Who’ll win the first round?
Now you’ve mastered the game, let’s make it more fun. In bingo, the caller will often say funny phrases such as ‘clickety click’, or ‘garden gate’ to represent different numbers. Can you think of phrases for the letters you want to call out? For example, you might say ‘all the apples’ for A, or ‘enormous elephants’ for E.
Keep playing, taking turns to be the alphabet caller and creating new phrases or rules each time you play.
Try it this way
To save paper, use a drawing application on your computer or tablet to play along with, and rub out the letters between rounds.
Problem solvers
It’s time to put on your problem-solving hat and solve your leader’s mysteries. Before you start, find five objects around your home that you think could help solve problems. Perhaps you’ll grab a plant, toothbrush or a cup?
Got all your items? Listen to your leader as they tell you a problem they have. Look at your items and choose 1 you think could help solve that problem. Be careful, once you’ve chosen that item, you can’t choose it again. Think strategically!
Once you’ve picked your item, tell everyone how you can solve the problem with it. For example, your leader might have a hole in their tent and you’ve chosen your umbrella. You might put the umbrella up over where the hole is so no water comes through the tent. How inventive can you be?
When everyone has said their ideas, vote together on which one you think best solves the problem – they win that round. Keep playing for as long as you want, changing problems and items to solve it.
Leader problems
- It’s raining and you don’t have an umbrella.
- I’ve cut my knee.
- I’m bored and need something to entertain me.
- I’m hungry but don’t have any cooking equipment.
- I need something to help me reach something in the kitchen.
The alphabet game
You’ll need a pen and paper for this game.
Choose someone to be the first alphabet picker. Your job is to silently go through the alphabet until someone tells you to stop. Say the letter you stopped on out loud.
Everyone grab your pen and paper. Your leader will give you different themes and ask you to think of things that begin with the letter and fit in the themes. There’ll be four rounds, so get thinking. When you have an idea, jot it down on the paper.
Now take turns saying your answer to each theme. If no one’s said the same thing as you, you get one point.
Keep playing, changing the alphabet picker and themes. Once you’ve finished playing, count up your scores and see who has the most – you’re the winner!
Themes suggestions:
- Something you’d find in your fridge or freezer.
- Something you can see in your room.
- A reason to text a friend.
- A famous person.
- (Capital) cities.
- Things found in a souvenir shop.
- Fancy dress costumes.
- Song titles.
- Something you store items in.
- 4 letter words.
20 questions
Can you guess what someone’s thinking of in just 20 questions?
Choose someone to think of an object. Remember to keep it a secret!
Everyone else, it’s time to get your questioning caps on. Take turns asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions about the object. For example, ‘Is it something you can eat?’, or ‘Is it larger than a football?’. Your leader will keep count of how many questions are asked.
When you get to 20 questions, each take turns saying out loud what you think the object might be. Once everyone’s made their guess, reveal the object. Did anyone get it right? What question gave it away?
Keep playing, taking turns to come up with new objects and thinking of new questions that will help you guess what it could be.
What's in my bag?
Note to leader: come up with 10 random items to call out to the girls. For example, cloud, zebra, plate, owl, dinosaur, mobile.
Before your next meeting, grab a bag or empty pillowcase and put in 10 random items that you find around your house. You could grab things like a piece of fruit, giant sunglasses, a schoolbook, a tie or your favourite fridge magnet.
Make sure you have your bag near you when you join your next Guides meeting. And don’t tell anyone what’s inside – it’s a secret!
Your leader’s going to call out 10 things, 1 by 1. After each word, look in your bag and see what you have that resembles that thing. For example, if they say ‘cloud’, see if you have something fluffy or white. If you find something that looks like the object, you get 1 point. Keep going, you can only use each item once. Who has the most points at the end? You’re the winner!
Play again, taking turns to call out different things that you could have found. Perhaps you could decide on your own scoring system or add some extra rules in – for example, each round you might have the same list but you can’t use the same object as the round before?
Picture perfect
You’ll each need a pencil and 1 sheet of paper per drawing for this game. Decide as a unit how many drawings you’d like to do before starting, 3 or more would work well.
Can you tell your Picasso from your Pollock? It’s time to put your artistic skills to the test!
Your leader will share their screen with you of a picture of a famous painting. Without looking down at your sheet of paper, can you draw what you see? You’ll have 1 minute for each drawing. Keep your eyes looking at the camera - don’t peak.
When the time’s up, show off your masterpieces with each other. Vote on whose drawing looks most like the original. Your leader will share why the painting is famous.
Try it this way
Why not come up with your own artistic scoring criteria?
Guess who?
Before your meeting: can you bring any fun accessories to wear – for example, you might have goggles, helmets, silly hats or giant sunglasses!
How well do you know your leader? Well enough to read her mind? Can you find out who your leader’s thinking about, with only a few questions!
To start, everyone raise your hand. Your leader’s going to choose 1 Guide in your unit, but won’t say her name out loud. Together, take turns asking your leader a question to try and find out who they are.
Play as many times as you like, taking turns to choose someone in your unit. For example, you could ask, ‘Does she have brown hair?’. If your leader answers ‘no’, then all the Guides with brown hair must put their hand down. This is to show that they are not the chosen Guide. Keep going, asking lots of different questions until you find the Guide your leader chose! They’ll be the last one with their hand up.
Now you’ve mastered the game, you could create some new rules to play. For example, you’re not allowed to ask the same questions as the previous rounds.
Top tip
Why not add in some fun accessories to make it more difficult to guess?
Sounds in the round
Warm up your vocal chords, bang those pots and transform together into an online sound orchestra!
As a unit, decide what sounds you can all make. Can you make the same sounds together, at different times, or different sounds all together?
Why not try out some of these together: clicking, clapping or whistling. Have a look around your room to see if there’s anything you could use to make your sound. Perhaps you could hit a pan with a wooden spoon, make a drumkit with spoons or you might have an instrument of your own to play. Once you’ve got something, bring it back to make a sound for your unit.
Take turns trying out your sounds until you’re ready to come together as an orchestra!
Now, try and find a beat. Choose someone to be the unit’s drummer, so everyone can keep to the beat. It might help slowly counting to four so you’re all in sync.
When you’re ready, choose an order and see if you can keep the beat going with your different sounds. Each Guide will make a sound for four beats before it passes to the next Guide. Can you keep your sounds going until you’re all making music together?
Wow! We bet that was a great sound. When you’re back meeting face to face with your units, why not play this game again, but try adding in singing too!
Try it this way
Too easy? Every time you make a mistake, go back to the start and try again!
Pass the pen
Work together to get a pen passed around your whole unit and back to your leader!
Everyone grab a pen. Your leader will start. They’ll move their pen across the screen and call the name of the Guide they’re going to pass the pen to.
When they move their pen off screen, the Guide’s name who was called then moves her pen across the screen and calls the name of another Guide.
Keep going, passing the pen to everyone in your unit in a big circle back to your leader.
If you call someone who’s already had the pen, stop and start again! Perhaps you could do actions to show you have or haven’t had the pen yet to help. How long will it take you?
Now you’re warmed up, why not try adding some new instructions like, ‘fast’, or ‘slow’, or how they move their pen like, ‘across’, or ‘down’. Add new rules every time you play!
Head to YouTube to find animated instructions for your group
Are you up for the challenge?
Challengers assemble! It’s time to put your master virtual Guide skills to the test.
Your leader is the task master and they have a list of challenges for you to complete. Decide together if you want to compete on your own or in teams. Every time you complete a challenge, give yourself a point.
- Can you bring back a fork, butter knife and spoon in 15 seconds?
- Can you make someone else laugh in 20 seconds?
- Can you balance a pen on your head for 10 seconds whilst standing up and sitting down?
- Can you say the alphabet quickly without making a mistake?
- Can you find something that begins with the first letter of your name? (Bonus point if no one else had the same thing!)
- Can you name all the Patrols in your unit in 10 seconds?
- Can you draw (something your unit chooses) with your eyes closed in 20 seconds?
Try it this way
If you decide to do the challenges individually, before each challenge, you could vote if you think someone is going to complete it – if you guess right, you get an extra point! You can also come up with your own challenges.
Dance party
Strike a pose! Together, choose a song that makes you think of your Guide unit – it might be your unit’s favourite song, something that reminds you of camp, or a promise party.
Come up with some crazy dance moves that you all must do whenever you hear that song.
Once you’ve mastered the dance move, choose 1 Guide to play the song at a random time during your next virtual meeting. When you hear it, everyone do your crazy dance moves together!
Keep playing it at every virtual meeting, changing the Guide who plays it each time.
Knife, fork and spoon game
Everyone grab a fork, butter knife and spoon. Place them down in front of you, making sure the handles are closest to you, and the knife is facing away.
Your leader says ‘Go!’, lift 1 item of cutlery. If it’s the same item as your leader, you get a point!
The first Guide to get 5 points wins and becomes the next caller.
Too easy? Why not speed it up and see who can get the most points in 30 seconds!
Stay safe
Make sure not to use sharp objects, you can use plastic cutlery if you have this available. Instead of cutlery, you could also use different coloured pieces of paper or objects that everyone would have at home.
Photo captions
Before your next virtual meeting, stage a scene with household items and take a snap or draw a picture and send it to your leader.
It could be something that’s inspired you or get creative and create an abstract piece of art using your childhood toys!
In your next meeting, your leader will show everyone your photos or pictures.
Take turns making up captions for the scenes and see what stories you can create. Who knows, perhaps you’ll come up with the next big Guide story!
Stay safe
Do not share any personal information in your photos, and if you’re using photos of anyone else, make sure to ask their permission before sharing.
Was it a bird? Was it a plane?
Have you got great attention to detail? Could you tell me the colour of the last car you saw? It’s time to test your skills. Your leader’s going to show you something on their screen. You’ve got 10 seconds to take a really good look at it. Now you’ve got 30 seconds to find the closest match in your space.
On the count of 3, everyone hold up your items – apart from your leader. Look at everything everyone’s holding, in their head your leader’s going to pick who has the most similar item. Everyone apart from your leader, vote on who you think has the most similar item.
Your leader’s going to hold up their item and call out who they picked. If you voted the same item as your leader – you get the point. Different? Then your leader gets the point. First to 5 points wins. However, each time you play you get 1 less second to see what your leader’s holding.
How long can you keep a story going without hesitating? Altogether, you’re going to tell a story but only 1 word at a time.
Decide what order you’re going to tell the story in and write the list of names in the chat box. This will let you know whose turn it is. Pick a forfeit for story tellers who hesitate. It could be they have to stand up and dance until their next turn or they can only use emojis to speak for the next 10 minutes.
Start telling your story, word by word. The story can be anything you want and take any twists and turns you think. You can’t stop telling the story until your leader says so. If you hesitate, don’t forget you have to do a forfeit.
The last twist in your tale telling adventure - if your leader calls out ‘story time!’ at the start of your turn, you have to continue telling the story until they call out ‘story’s over’. Then it will go back to everyone only adding one word. Do you have a budding creative story writer among you?
Mix up your moves!
It’s time to channel your inner dancing pro.
Whoever has a dice needs to grab one – don’t worry if you don’t have one, buddy up with someone who does and they can roll for you. For every number on the dice, as a unit make up a dance move (six in total). Make sure everyone knows all the moves.
Ready to bust some moves? Choose someone to go first and roll the dice and call out what number it lands on. Everyone needs to start doing that dance move. Keep going taking turns to roll the dice and see your random dance come to life.
Time to shake it up! Everyone with a dice can roll it whenever they want this time and call out the number. See how many times your dance move can change in a minute.
Top tip
You can add music but make sure everyone can still hear the number on the dice being called out. You could also use virtual dice for this game.
Last voice standing
Think you've got the fastest reaction speed in your unit? Time to test it out. Pick someone to be the game leader. We're going to start easy. The game leader is going to raise their hand. As soon as they do, put your hand up as quick as possible. When they lower their hand, do the same. Who was the last person to put their hand up and down?
That was easy peasy, right? Let’s take it up a challenge level. We're going to do the exact same thing but this time with our voices. When your game leader starts to say out loud "lalalalalalala", everyone else needs to start doing the same and keep going until the game leader stops. Everyone has 3 lives, and whoever was last to stop loses a life.
Top tip
Try not to shout or yell into the microphone. We don't want to give your leaders a headache!
If you're finding it hard to figure out who was last, try using hand movements at the same time.
Count it up!
You're going to need a timer for this one, make sure your leader has one that only they can see. We all know there are 60 seconds in a minute, but could you perfectly count up to it? Let's test. Together, try to guess when 20 seconds has passed. Your leader will time you. Did you get it right?
It can be quite hard to guess how much time has passed without looking at a clock. Your leader is going to pick a time between 5 and 100 seconds. Close your eyes and in your head, count up to the number. When you think the time's up, stand up! Your leader will time you and let you know who was closest.
Can anyone share a tip on how to make it easier to count up? Play another round and the winner of this round will become the distractor.
In the next round, the distractor's goal is to disrupts everyone's counting up. They can do this however they want – by telling jokes, calling out random numbers or performing a one-Ranger version of a musical. Whoever wins this round becomes the next distractor. Play a few rounds more.
Follow the Ranger
Can you outsmart the guesser and work as a team to win this game?
Your leader’s going to pick someone to be the first guesser. The guesser needs to turn away from the screen and close their eyes. Your leader’s going to pick the first Ranger captain by writing their name on a piece of paper and holding it up so everyone can see. Don’t say the name out loud! You don’t want the guesser to hear. If you’re the Ranger captain, put up your hand.
Top tip
If on your device you can’t see everyone, switch pages until you can see the Ranger captain.
When you’re ready, get the guesser to turn around. Everyone else, you need to pick a subtle action and start moving. You could cover your mouth, wink a lot, or stand perfectly still. As soon as you see the Ranger captain’s action, pick the perfect moment to copy it. You might choose to do it straight away or wait 10 seconds. Think about when would be the best time to change your action without giving away the Ranger captain. Ranger captain – you can change the action you’re doing and everyone else has to copy. But be careful that the guesser can’t tell!
Try it this way
Pick more energetic actions or dance move instead if you want to get your heart racing.
Guesser, can you guess who the Ranger captain is? Keep your eyes peeled. If they get it wrong, everyone stop! On the count of 3 start again with new actions. The guesser gets 3 chances before it’s game over. Reveal the Ranger captain to the guesser at the end. Pick a new guesser and Ranger captain and play again.
Rapid Rangers
Missing some of your favourite games that you play at Rangers? Meeting virtually doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Discover how to play ladders online with a twist!
First, your leader will number everyone in pairs. In order, call out your number and wave to your partner. Now, your leader’s going to call out a random number. If it’s yours, quickly stand up and play rock, paper, scissors against your partner. Did you win? Give yourself a point! Keep playing, remembering to keep score of how many times you won.
It’s time to turn up the challenge. This time, listen carefully as your leader calls out a maths sum - for example, 6+5. If your number’s called out in the sum or is the answer (for example, for 11, number one will need to go twice), get up and challenge your partner to a game. If your leader calls out ‘Rangers’, everyone needs to challenge their partner at the same time.
Can you get your friends to guess the right thing whilst only telling them what it’s not? Choose someone to go first. Find something in your room and hold it just off screen so no one else can see. Describe the opposite of what you’re holding using only seven words. Make sure to not say what it is! For example, if you were holding a plate you could say it’s ball shaped, heavy, slimy, and wobbly.
If you think you know what they’re holding - call it out. If you get it right, you go next, or if you’ve been before you can choose the next item holder.
Top tip
Baffled your friends? Give them a little help. Give them one clue about something that it is and one clue about something it’s not. You could say that it couldn’t be used to throw in the air but it does it live in your kitchen.
Suprising sound effects
Crackle, bang, whoosh, ping! What was that?
Can you guess what noise is being made without seeing it? Close your eyes and click your fingers - does it sound how you imagined?
Now take turns switching off your cameras. Find something around you to make a noise. You might find scratch on a hard surface, rustle some tissue paper, play a musical instrument or close a door. You could even try to use a body part, like clapping – think outside the box!
Try it this way
If you can’t turn your camera off, move away from the screen or tilt your camera upwards so nobody can see you.
Once the noise has been made a few times, take turns guessing what you think it could be. Once everyone’s guessed – turn your camera back on and show them. Did anyone guess correctly?
Top tip
Make your noise close to the microphone so everyone can hear you.
Keep playing, taking turns to make your sounds. Give yourself a point for every correct answer. Who’ll get the most right?
Ready to up the challenge? Think some new rules to add into your game. For example, you only have three seconds to listen to sound, you can only use objects that around found in a kitchen or only use your body parts!
Explain to me
It’s adventure time! Before you set off, you’ll need to think about what’s important for your journey.
Your leader will say a category such as ‘show me something that will keep you dry’. Quickly look around your space and find something that fits the description. The first person to bring something back wins a point. Your leader will keep score.
Once you have your item, show everyone on your screen. Take turns explaining how you’d use this item on your adventure. Think outside of the box. Why not award a point for the most inventive idea too? For example, maybe you couldn’t leave the country without taking your favourite cheese with you as you might not be able to get it elsewhere and you need it with every meal. Keep your items in a pile, you’ll need them for the last part of the game.
Here are some examples to get you started. Add as many rounds as you would like to keep the game going.
Show me something…
- That would keep you safe.
- That would start a fire.
- You could trade for something you’d need.
- You could eat your food with.
- You’d take to a concert or festival.
- You can use to keep you dry.
- You’d find on a Duke of Edinburgh kit list (think about camping or navigation things!).
- You can’t leave the country without.
- You could play sport with.
- You’d take on water.
- You’d wear for an outdoor activity.
Now you have all your items, it’s time to make a story up that includes everything! You have 30 seconds to say a mini adventure story including as many items as possible. You get a point for every item you included in your story.
Who has the most points overall? They’re the top adventurer!
Why not play this again together, coming up with your own categories? Perhaps you’ll need to find something that makes you laugh or you’re embarrassed to have in your room!
Just a minute!
Before you start, your leader will write a list of the Rangers in your unit using the whiteboard function in Zoom. This will be the order for your game.
Your leader will choose a topic, for example chocolate or space, and pick a Ranger to start. You have 1 minute to talk all about that topic. Your leader will time you. But if you pause, hesitate, or bumble your words, everyone else can shout ‘Buzz!’ to stop you.
If you get buzzed, the next Ranger on the list must keep the conversation going. How long can you keep chatting about that topic without being buzzed out?
To make it harder, you can’t say the same thing anyone’s said before. Who’ll be the first to make it to one minute? They’re the winner!
Give it a go, changing what you talk about every time you play.
Asteroid antics
You’ll each need a balloon for this game. If you don’t have a balloon you could use a ball instead. Your leader will need a music player and some music too.
Oh no - asteroids incoming! It’s time to band together to save planet Earth. Everyone grab your balloon or ball. When the music starts playing, try to keep it in the air but you can’t keep hold of it (so either use your hands to push the balloon up, or keep throwing and catching your ball). To make it harder, can you do this with your eyes closed?
When the music stops, listen to your leader as they tell you your missions. Keep playing until you’ve completed all the missions.
Why not come up with your own missions and challenge each other? Perhaps you could come up with a dance move or fitness challenge when the music is playing too?
- Take turns to sing a part of your favourite song in a funny voice.
- Quickly find something in your room for each colour of the Rainbow.
- Do something silly to make everyone laugh.
- Do a moon walk across your room.
- Say the alphabet backwards without making a mistake (every time you do, go back to the beginning – or end - of the alphabet).
- You have 2 minutes to dress up as something (or someone else) with things you find around your room. Can anyone guess who you are?
Bingo lingo
You’re going to need paper and a pencil for this game.
Before you start, draw out on pieces of paper a 3x3 grid, so you have 9 squares. Use a pencil for this game so that you can rub out between the rounds. You could use felt pens or colouring pencils too if you wanted, but you’ll need to have more than 1 grid if you want to play different rounds.
Decide as a unit how you would like each round to be completed – will you go for lines or a full house?
Choose someone to be the first alphabet caller – this could be your leader. Everyone else, fill your grid with letters of the alphabet. Make sure to not have the same letter more than once. Ready? Let’s play bingo lingo!
Play the game as you would normally with bingo, colouring in or crossing out each letter when it’s said by the alphabet caller. Who’ll win the first round?
Now you’ve mastered the game, let’s make it more fun. In bingo, the caller will often say funny phrases such as ‘clickety click’, or ‘garden gate’ to represent different numbers. Can you think of phrases for the letters you want to call out? For example, you might say ‘all the apples’ for A, or ‘enormous elephants’ for E.
Keep playing, taking turns to be the alphabet caller and creating new phrases or rules each time you play.
Problem solvers
It’s time to put on your problem-solving hat and solve your leader’s mysteries. Before you start, find 5 objects around your home that you think could help solve problems. Perhaps you’ll grab a plant, toothbrush or a cup?
Got all your items? Listen to your leader as they tell you a problem they have. Look at your items and choose one you think could help solve that problem. Be careful, once you’ve chosen that item, you can’t choose it again. Think strategically!
Once you’ve picked your item, it’s time to tell everyone how you can solve the problem with it. For example, your leader might have a hole in their tent and you’ve chosen your umbrella. You might put the umbrella up over where the hole is so no water comes through the tent.
When everyone’s said their ideas, vote together on which one you think best solves the problem – they win that round. Keep playing for as long as you want, changing problems and items to solve it.
Ready to up the challenge? Come up with your own problems to solve. Perhaps you could add a rule in that no one can use the same object in the same round. So if a cup has already been chosen, the next person has to use something else! How inventive can you be?
Leader problems
- It’s raining and you don’t have an umbrella.
- I’ve cut my knee.
- I’m bored and need something to entertain me.
- I’m hungry but don’t have any cooking equipment.
- I need something to help me reach something in the kitchen.
The alphabet game
You’ll need a pen and paper for this game.
Choose someone to be the first alphabet picker. Your job is to silently go through the alphabet until someone tells you to stop. Say the letter you stopped on out loud.
Everyone grab your pen and paper. Your leader will give you different themes and ask you to think of things that begin with the letter and fit the themes. There’ll be 5 rounds so get thinking. When you have an idea, jot it down on the paper.
Now take turns saying your answer to each theme. If no one’s said the same thing as you, you get 1 point.
Keep playing, changing the alphabet picker and themes.
Try it this way
Why not take turns being the ‘theme chooser’ and come up with the weirdest and wackiest things people need to think of with that letter!
Once you’ve finished playing, count your scores and see who has the most – you’re the winner!
Theme suggestions
- Something you can see in your room.
- A reason to text a friend.
- Famous person.
- Capital cities.
- Things found in a souvenir shop.
- Fancy dress costumes.
- Song titles.
- Things that are in your bag.
- Things that are found in the ocean.
- 4 letter words.
Can you guess what someone’s thinking of in just 20 questions?
Choose someone to think of an object. Remember to keep it a secret!
Everyone else, it’s time to get your questioning caps on. Take turns asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions about the object. For example, ‘Is it something you can eat?’, or ‘Is it larger than a football?’. Your leader will keep count of how many questions are asked.
When you get to 20 questions, each take turns saying out loud what you think the object might be. Once everyone’s made their guess, reveal the object. Did anyone get it right? What question gave it away?
Keep playing, taking turns to come up with new objects and thinking of new questions that will help you guess what it could be.
Try it this way
Want to up the challenge? Why not reduce the number of questions allowed or split into teams and take turns asking questions, which team will get the answer first?
What's in my bag?
Note to leader: Come up with 10 random items to call out to the girls. For example, cloud, zebra, plate, owl, dinosaur, mobile.
Before your next meeting, grab a bag or empty pillowcase and put in 10 random items that you find around your house. You could grab things like a piece of fruit, giant sunglasses, a schoolbook, a tie or your favourite fridge magnet.
Make sure you have your bag near you when you join your next Rangers meeting. And don’t tell anyone what’s inside – it’s a secret!
Your leader’s going to call out 10 things, 1 by 1. After each word, look in your bag and see what you have that resembles that thing. For example, if they say ‘cloud’, see if you have something fluffy or white. If you find something that looks like the object, you get 1 point. Keep going, you can only use each item once. Who has the most points at the end? You’re the winner!
Play again, taking turns to call out different things that you could have found. Perhaps you could decide on your own scoring system or add some extra rules in – for example, each round you might have the same list but you can’t use the same object as the round before?
Picture perfect
You’ll each need a pencil and 1 sheet of paper per drawing for this game. Decide as a unit how many drawings you’d like to do before starting, 3 or more would work well.
Can you tell your Picasso from your Pollock? It’s time to put your artistic skills to the test!
Your leader will share their screen with you of a picture of a famous painting. Without looking down at your sheet of paper, can you draw what you see? You’ll have 1 minute for each drawing. Keep your eyes looking at the camera - don’t peak.
When the time’s up, show off your masterpieces with each other. Vote on whose drawing looks most like the original. Your leader will share why the painting is famous.
Try it this way
Why not come up with your own artistic scoring criteria?
Guess who?
Before your meeting: can you bring any fun accessories to wear – for example, you might have goggles, helmets, silly hats or giant sunglasses!
Are you telepathic? Can you find out who your leader’s thinking about with only a few questions?
To start, everyone raise your hand. Your leader’s going to choose 1 Ranger in your unit but won’t say her name out loud. Together, take turns asking your leader a question to try and find out who they are.
For example, you could ask, ‘Does she have brown hair?’ If she answers ‘no’, then all the Rangers with brown hair must put their hand down. This is to show they’re not the chosen Ranger. Keep going, asking lots of different questions until you find the Ranger your leader chose! They’ll be the last one with their hand up.
Play as many times as you like, taking turns to choose someone in your unit.
Now you’ve mastered the game, you could create some new rules to play. For example, before you ask your leader any questions about who they’ve chosen, everyone guess who they think it’s going to be and write them down. Who is the luckiest guesser in your unit?
Top tip
Why not add in some fun accessories to make it more difficult to guess?
Sounds in the round
Curtain call! Transform into an online sound orchestra and wow your leaders with your musical abilities.
As a unit, decide what sounds you can all make. Can you make the same sounds together, at different times, or different sounds all together?
Why not try out some of these together: clicking, clapping or whistling. Once you’ve mastered those, have a look around your room to see if there’s anything you could use to make your sound. Perhaps you could hit a pan with a wooden spoon, make a drumkit with spoons or you might have an instrument of your own to play. Once you’ve got something, bring it back to make a sound for your unit.
Take turns trying out your sounds until you’re ready to come together as an orchestra!
Now, try and find a beat. Choose someone to be the unit’s drummer, so everyone can keep to the beat. It might help slowly counting to 4 so you’re all in sync.
When you’re ready choose an order and see if you can keep the beat going with your different sounds. Each Ranger will make a sound for 4 beats before it passes to the next Ranger. Every time you make a mistake, go back to the start and try again.
Can you keep your sounds going until you’re all making music together?
Wow! We bet that was a great sound. When you’re back meeting face to face with your units, why not play this game again, but try adding in singing too!
Try it this way
Too easy? Can you change up the tempo, by getting faster or really slow?
Pass the pen
Work together to get a pen passed around your whole unit and back to your leader!
Everyone grab a pen. Your leader will start. They’ll move their pen across the screen and call the name of the Ranger they’re going to pass the pen to.
When they move their pen off screen, the Ranger’s name who was called then moves her pen across the screen and calls the name of another Ranger.
Keep going, passing the pen to everyone in your unit in a big circle back to your leader.
If you call someone who’s already had the pen, stop and start again! Perhaps you could do actions to show you have or haven’t had the pen yet to help. How long will it take you?
Now you’re warmed up, try introducing another object (that you all have at home – perhaps a spoon!) and see if you can pass two objects in circles around your Zoom call.
Too easy? Keep adding more objects or rules to your game every time you play.
Head to YouTube to find animated instructions for your group.
Are you up for the challenge?
Challengers assemble! It’s time to put your master virtual Rangers skills to the test.
Your leader’s going to choose someone to complete the first challenge. Then that Ranger gets to pick who goes next.
If you complete your challenge, you get a point. Before each challenge, vote to say if you think they’re going to complete it – if you’re right, you get a bonus point! Keep score as you go.
- Can you tell three knock, knock jokes to someone else in your unit without hesitating?
- Can you find three things in your home that are yellow in 20 seconds?
- Can you balance a pen on your head for 10 seconds? What about standing up and sitting back down?
- Can you draw a house with your eyes closed in 15 seconds?
- Can you say the alphabet backwards without making a mistake?
- Can you do 20 star jumps in 20 seconds?
Now you’ve got the hang of it, start thinking of your own challenges to set for each other and declare the Ranger with the most points the winner!
Dance party
Strike a pose! Together, choose a song that makes you think of your Ranger unit – it might be your unit’s favourite song, something that reminds you of camp, or a party you’ve had.
Come up with some crazy dance moves that you all must do whenever you hear that song.
Once you’ve mastered the dance moves, choose 1 Ranger to play the song at a random time during your next virtual meeting. When you hear it, everyone do your crazy dance moves together!
Keep playing it at every virtual meeting, changing the Ranger who plays it each time.
Knife, fork and spoon game
Everyone grab a fork, butter knife and spoon.
Place them down in front of you, making sure the handles are closest to you, and the knife is facing away.
When your leader says ‘Go!’, lift one item of cutlery. If it’s the same item as your leader, you get a point!
The first Ranger to get 5 points wins and becomes the next caller.
Too easy? Why not speed it up and see who can get the most points in 30 seconds!
Stay safe
Make sure not to use sharp objects, you can use plastic cutlery if you have this available. Instead of cutlery, you could also use different coloured pieces of paper or objects that everyone would have at home.
Photo captions
Before your next virtual meeting, stage a scene with household items and take a snap or draw a picture and send it to your leader.
It could be something that’s inspired you or get creative and create an abstract piece of art using your childhood toys!
In your next meeting, your leader will show everyone your photos or pictures. Take turns making up captions for the scenes and see what stories you can create.
Who knows, perhaps you’ll come up with the next big Ranger story!
Stay safe
Do not share any personal information in your photos, and if you’re using photos of anyone else, make sure to ask their permission before sharing.