Become a friend of Girlguiding

Give a monthly charity donation to help all girls know they can do anything

Can you help more girls laugh, learn, explore and have adventures?

Become a friend of Girlguiding

Click below to give £5 a month and support Girlguiding – now and for the future.

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We know Girlguiding makes a massive difference to girls’ lives and the wider community, and we now have more girls wanting to join than we have spaces available. With your monthly gift we can open the Girlguiding experience to even more girls. 

By joining us as a friend of Girlguiding your monthly gift will support Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers across the country, as well as our amazing volunteers. You’ll be helping Girlguiding to offer incredible opportunities for girls – for now, and for the long term. 

As a thank you for your monthly gift, we'll send you an exclusive friend of Girlguiding enamel badge. We'll send you regular updates to tell you what we're doing and exclusive stories about the impact we have, and the difference your generosity makes to girls' lives and futures. 

Become a friend of Girlguiding

Click below to give £5 a month and support Girlguiding – now and for the future.

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