Become a friend of Girlguiding

By giving a monthly gift, you’ll be helping to support more girls to learn, laugh and have adventures

We’re reaching out to our friends andasking forhelp to encourage more girls to think big and be bold – each in her own way. 

Give a monthly gift now

Give a monthly gift now

Give a monthly gift now

We’d love for you to become a friend of Girlguiding.

From first nights away to camping adventures, the badges they collect along their journey, and making friends for life, you’ll be supporting girls to explore a world of possibilities, big and small.

Your monthly gift of £5 or more will help more girls to thrive in Girlguiding.

As a former Brownie, I was so excited when my daughters both joined. I knew it would be good for their confidence, to make friends and have new experiences. I felt I wanted to be part of Girlguiding as an adult, and being a friend of Girlguiding made me feel like I belonged again. I can't tell you how excited I was to get my badge!  

I have a disability and becoming a friend of Girlguiding was my way of making a difference. Since then, I’ve felt so supported and welcome that I’ve recently joined as a unit helper with a local unit too. I’m most looking forward to having fun, helping girls to achieve their goals and building relationships with other volunteers.' - Dawn 

What happens when I become a friend of Girlguiding?

As a thank you for your monthly gift, we send friends of Girlguiding an enamel badge and regular email updates. These include exclusive stories about the impact of Girlguiding, and the difference your generosity makes to girls' lives and futures. 

Since friends of Girlguiding launched in 2023, our friends have delved into many inspiring and interesting stories. Have a look at what you might get as part of your exclusive content…

Meet Hannah, Girlguiding HQ’s archivist.

How your support helps

The donations we receive from our friends of Girlguiding are used across different areas of the charity and where the need is greatest.

Your monthly gift will not only support our Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and volunteers across the UK today. You’ll also be helping to bring the fun, adventure, excitement and learning of the Girlguiding experience to many more girls for years to come!

Girlguiding’s helped me learn about myself and understand my capabilities. Before I thought no, I can’t do that. But now I know that yeah, I can, give it a try, give it a go and we’ll see where I get.' - Ranger

Become a friend of Girlguiding today

Click below to give £5 a month and support Girlguiding – now and for the future.

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