Rainbows written in red font on light blue background


Rainbows Theme awards

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In each theme, you can earn an award!

Earn 1 interest badge, 1 skills builder badge and do 2 hours of unit meeting activities and you’ve earned a Theme award. There are 6 theme awards to collect. Once you earn 2, 4 or 6 theme awards, you’ll be earning even more awards - your Rainbows top awards.

Know myself

Know myself

Earn your Rainbows know myself award by doing:

1 interest badge: family tree or animal lover
1 stage of reflect or network skills builders
2 hours of know myself unit meeting activities.

Express myself

Express myself

Earn your Rainbows express myself award by doing:

1 interest badge: storyteller or drawing
1 stage of innovate or communicate skills builders
2 hours of express myself unit meeting activities

Be Well

Be Well

Earn your Rainbows be well award by doing:

1 interest badge: fruit and veg or healthy mind
1 stage of feel good or first aid skills builders
2 hours of be well unit meeting activities

Have adventures

Have adventures

Earn your Rainbows have adventures award by doing:

1 interest badge: agility or nature
1 stage of camp or explore skills builders
2 hours of have adventures unit meeting activities

Take action

Take action

Earn your Rainbows take action award by doing:

1 interest badge: recycling or helper
1 stage of make change or influence skills builders
2 hours of take action unit meeting activities

Skills for my future

Skills for my future

Earn your Rainbows skills for my future award by doing:

1 interest badge: book lover  or construction
1 stage of lead or live smart skills builders
2 hours of skills for my future unit meeting activities

Keep a record

Use your Rainbow badge book to see how you're progressing towards earning the Rainbow theme awards.

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