Updates to new starter and information and consent forms
We've updated some of the key forms you need for running your unit
We’ve updated our new starter forms and information and consent forms.
You can find the latest versions of these forms in our forms and resources library and full guidance on when and how to use them on our getting parent or carer consent page.
Changes to new starter forms
You’ll notice our new starter forms look different as they’re now in our new brand. We’ve also changed the order of the questions on the form to match the order on GO, which should hopefully save you some time when you’re inputting girls’ information.
We’ve added a statement to the new starter forms which means, when signing, parents and carers give their consent for their child to participate in activities in the local area during unit meetings. This means that you won’t need to get separate parent or carer consent using an information and consent form when you take your unit out into the local area during unit meeting times.
Please read our guidance on getting parent and carer consent for full details.
For new girls joining your unit, use the latest (December 2023) version of the new starter form to get this consent.
You can use this as an opportunity to send the latest version of the new starter form to the parents and carers of existing young members in your unit to make sure their information is correct and up to date whilst getting this consent from them.
However, if you’ve recently asked parents and carers to update their child’s details and you don’t want to send them a whole new starter form to fill out, we’ve also created this one-page document which just includes the consent for activities local to the unit meeting place. Use this one-page form to get this consent from parents and carers of existing members in your unit.
Changes to information and consent forms
We now have 3 versions of the information and consent form which have also been updated in our new brand. There’s one for:
- Day events and activities (including adventurous activities).
- Residentials in your home country.
- International residentials.
For full guidance on when and how to use these forms, read our getting parent or carer consent page.
Day events and activities information and consent form
To make it easier to use the day events and activities information and consent form for multiple events and activities, we’ve added more room for you to include information on the first page.
The form also has space for 2 emergency contacts for you to pass on to your home contact.
Home residential event and activities information and consent form
To avoid asking parents for duplicate information, the home residential event and activities information and consent form no longer contains boxes for health information and emergency contacts. Parents and carers will provide this information on the health form they’ll also be asked to sign.
If you’re planning a residential event, we recommend that you send the information and consent form and the health form to parents and carers at the same time. Then, closer to the time of the event, you can ask parents and carers to review the health form, and if anything has changed, ask them to send you an updated copy.
International residential event and activities information and consent
Our international residential event and activities form now includes an in loco parentis statement. This statement is a requirement for entry into some countries. We’ve included it here so that you don’t need a separate document for this. Please note, as stated on the form, the signature must be handwritten and cannot be electronic, so it may be best to print this form and ask parents and carers to fill it out by hand.
All other information and consent forms and new starter forms can be filled out and signed digitally or printed on paper and filled out by hand.
Shooting activities
We’ve also replaced our shooting activities consent form. If you are planning a shooting activity, you’ll need to use either the day events and activities information and consent form or the home residential event and activities information and consent form if the shooting activity will be part of a residential trip. You must also ask parents and carers to sign a shooting activities declaration form. All the forms you need are linked on the planning and safety tab for shooting activities on the activity finder.
We hope that the changes to these forms will help reduce the time you spend on unit admin. We know there is still work to do, and that for many of you the best way we can do this is by also providing an online process for you to get consent for events. We're working on this, and we hope to share more information with you soon. If you have any questions about the new forms, please email [email protected].