Moving sections and changing units
Got a girl who needs to move up or a volunteer moving away? Learn how to manage members leaving your unit
Whether it's a young member or volunteer, you might have someone in your unit moving sections or changing units.
Learn more about what to do when a members move on.
Girls moving up to the next section
If a girl in your unit is ready to move up to the next section, follow these steps:
- Speak with the young member and their parents or carers to decide which unit they'd like to go to.
- When you know their new unit, pass their membership number on to the leader of that unit. You can do this by phone, email or in person.
- There's no need to pass on any other personal details to the new leader as these will already be on GO.
- It's then the responsibility of the new unit leader to add the young member’s record to their unit.
How to add a girl who has been transferred to your unit
Received a young member's membership number and wish to transfer them to your unit? You can sign into GO for more information on transferring members. Check out the help file ‘Add a young member to your unit or your waiting list.’
Girls moving away from your area
If a young member is moving away from your local area and wants to continue guiding closer to their new home, there are a few steps you can take to make their transition as smooth as possible.
- Give their membership number to her parents or carers.
- Ask their parents to use GO to find a new unit that works for them.
- Parents or carers can click ‘Enquire to join a new unit.’ On the first page of the GO enquiry form, they will be able to state the nature of their enquiry. In this box they should select 'Want to rejoin or I have moved house'.
- When they select this option, they will have the opportunity to add their child's existing membership number. This will mean their guiding history is maintained and she won't have two duplicate records on the system.
You can also let parents and carers know that they can call us on 0800 1 69 59 01 to register a child who’s moving to a new area. Don’t forget, the young member will still be active in your unit until you end their role in GO.
Girls moving up from Guides to Rangers
If you have girls who are moving up to Rangers from another section, now is the time to make sure their information is up to date. The process is the same as for moving between other sections except Rangers will need their personal email address added to GO by the Ranger leader. This means they can receive specific information about being a young member and other guiding opportunities.
Girls becoming young leaders
If you have girls who would like to be young leaders once they finish Guides, you’ll need to let your local commissioner know. This is a volunteer role, so your local commissioner or administrator will be able to add them to the volunteer team of the unit they’ll be helping with.
If a Guide is a Rainbow or Brownie helper, this role will also need to be ended so their new young leader role can be made active.
How to transfer adult volunteers
If an adult volunteer wants to change units, they simply need to let their local commissioner know. In the case of volunteers who are moving within the same area, they can ask their existing commissioner to assign them to a new unit.
Those moving further away can fill out a registration form to get in touch with the team in their new area. They can also call us on the above number to get in touch with a local contact.