An update from our chief guide Tracy Foster
Chief guide Tracy on her role so far and what’s in store
Welcome to the first of our new series of updates from our chief guide team.
Our chief guide team represents volunteer voice at a senior decision-making level – and they’re keen to connect with as many of you as possible. In this update, chief guide Tracy Foster tells us all about her experience in the role so far, her highlights and challenges, and what’s still in store.
How long have you been in the role of chief guide, and what’s it been like?
'I’m in my second year as chief guide, and the time has certainly flown by. Within my first year there were challenges we all faced, and decisions that needed to be taken which were to support our charity as a whole. I know that as a large membership organisation there are always different opinions about what we do and how we do it, and about decisions made by the board of trustees, of which Sally Kettle (deputy chief guide) and I are members. I’d like to thank you for your support and ongoing commitment to Girlguiding through this time. I’m very proud to be in this role and will continue to lead and inspire in the best way I can.'
What are some of your highlights so far?
'One of the highlights of last year was the King’s coronation and the number of volunteers we had involved. It was such a special weekend - we also opened the doors to HQ and enjoyed the opportunity to meet lots of you face-to-face.
I’d also like to thank all of you who completed the uniform co-design activities, you certainly did get creative. They are fabulous, with just under 55,000 coming in! Wow, what an achievement. Lots of work behind the scenes is taking place, with our staff team and volunteers working in partnership. It’s certainly an exciting task working with Hemingway Design to create our new uniform. The look, feel, sustainability and of course fit are all at the top of the list!'
What are you looking forward to this year?
'Looking ahead, I would love to see even more of you at the all member calls, so please do sign up. If you can’t be there, don’t forget they're recorded, so you can watch or listen whenever’s convenient for you.
It’s also great to see girls getting out and about a little more now we’re into spring - and before long it’ll be summer! I love the outdoors and seeing girls enjoying it too, especially when visiting camps, events and other activities. It’s such a privilege to see these events and I know so much planning and hard work goes into making them a success – thank you once again.'
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
'Today, I was reminded of this quote by Amelia Barr: "It’s always the simple that produces the marvellous." It’s the little things we do as adults that create the great opportunities for our girls and young women.
Thank you all and keep smiling.'