Annual subscription policy
All about our annual subscriptions
Approved: September 2023
Version: 2
Find out what changed and why in our most recent updates to this policy.
This policy is for any Girlguiding volunteer involved in the subscriptions process. This includes level main contacts and commissioners. It explains what the annual subscription is, how we decide how much it is, and who pays it. It also sets out our expectations for volunteers involved in the subscriptions process.
Annual subscription: this is made up of 2 parts, national subscription and levies. National subscription payments are decided by the Girlguiding board of trustees. Levies are decided by districts, divisions, counties and countries and regions. This process happens on a yearly basis.
National subscription: the national fee paid to be a member of Girlguiding.
Levy: part of the annual subscription which is set by districts, divisions, counties, and countries and regions. Because it's set locally, the amount will be different for different units and levels.
Active member: all Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. And all volunteers whose membership status is ‘member’ on their GO record. This includes members with an ‘active pending’ status.
Admin user group: volunteers with access and responsibility to update members’ - girls’ or volunteers’ - records in the level.
Level: unit, district, division, county or country or region.
Level main contact: the volunteer in the level responsible for receiving all communication related to the level. They may then action, share or delegate tasks and information with the relevant volunteers in their level.
Final invoice: issued after the trial invoice deadline has closed. This is a payment invoice only. It shows the amount of money each level must pay, and can’t be changed. It doesn’t include names, just the total number of members for which a subscription is payable.
Levy repayment: the amount Girlguiding collects per member on behalf of a level and transfers or pays back to the level.
Member at Girlguiding Association level: individual membership to Girlguiding without an active volunteering role.
Recognised volunteer: an adult volunteer who isn’t a member, in specific roles with Girlguiding. This includes occasional roles.
Trial invoice: this is a provisional record of the names and number of members in a level for which a subscription must be paid. The details are based on the GO records. You can access the trial invoice through the subscriptions system.
Policy statement
The annual subscription is an investment in the future of Girlguiding.
Since 1948, we’ve asked every active member to pay an annual subscription.
This is 1 payment per active member, per year, payable by a published date. We update the annual subscription amount each year.
You can find out more on our annual subscription page.
Girlguiding HQ collect both the national subscription and local levies on behalf of districts, divisions, counties and countries and regions. Girlguiding HQ collects the levies on behalf of other levels and redistributes them to the relevant level within an agreed timeframe.
Annual subscription payments are made through levels. We use information on GO to work out the total number of members for each level and create an invoice.
The final invoice gives details of how payments must be made. The level main contact will be told when the level’s admin user group can access the invoice to send payment. We send an amendable trial invoice for each level first.
We calculate the final invoices based on the active membership recorded on the date the trial invoice closes. There’s no refund for active members transferring or leaving after this date.
The level main contact will be told about any overpayment or underpayment. Overpayments are donated to Girlguiding and aren’t refunded. Underpayments must be corrected by the invoice payment date. If not, the county will take responsibility for the shortfall, and will expect repayment. Counties will be told about non-payment by the subscription system. They'll then collect it from the level. Countries and regions, and counties use their own procedures to recover unpaid subscriptions.
If the national subscription team receive a payment after the deadline, they won’t bank it.
This policy allows for an agreed alternative payment process for Salvation Army units.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the annual subscription procedure.
Girlguiding expectations
As a level main contact, or any volunteer involved in paying the annual subscription, you must:
- Check that your level is only being invoiced for active girls and volunteers in the level. Keep your unit records up to date on GO, and make sure that any girls or volunteers who have left are made ‘inactive’. Likewise, if new girls or volunteers join your level, you must make sure they’re added to GO. Make sure that any volunteers in your level who also help out at another level, or have roles outside of your level, are on the right invoice. Speak to them or your commissioner to find out.
- Make any changes to the trial invoice through GO by the relevant published deadline.
- Make sure the annual subscription for your level is paid for each active member by the relevant published date each year.
- Never remove members and add them back later to avoid payment.
- Make sure that the final invoice is paid in full by the level, by the published date.
- Get in touch with your county commissioner or county treasurer to arrange payment if you miss the deadline for the national subscriptions team to receive your payment, or you think you will miss it.
- Make sure that if your unit has closed, the correct process is followed on GO. This is so the unit doesn’t receive an invoice. The level and its members must be made ‘inactive’ before the relevant deadline.