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Interest badges


Have Adventures

Have adventures

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‘Travelling – it makes you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller’ - Ibn Battuta, scholar

One of the best parts of any trip is the excitement of the build-up! Have fun planning your next trip so it’s less stressful, smoother and more enjoyable. Let your wanderlust lead the way…

Getting a Rangers interest badge

There are 18 interest badges for you to earn at Rangers, and 3 fun challenges to do for each badge.

You can do these badges at any time, anywhere and in any way you’d like. You can do them on your own or with units, during unit meetings, at home or even on holiday.

How to complete this badge

1. Get planning

What’s your travel goal going to be for this badge? Could you travel in all 4 seasons, for example? Use a type of transport you’ve never been on before? Travel somewhere new?

Your first task is to decide your goal – remember, it should be something challenging to you.

You can travel with friends, family, your unit or alone. Go somewhere local, in the same country or abroad. It’s up to you! Why not look at the Girlguiding calendar to see what’s happening? Be adventurous!

Make a plan taking into consideration:

  • Budget
  • Route
  • Itinerary
  • Packing the things you’ll need
  • Food
  • Playlists
  • Entertainment such as playing cards

If you’ve done modules 1 and 2 of the Lead Away permit, then you don’t need to do this challenge.

2. Safety first

Now it’s time to get advice from your well-travelled friends.

As well as hearing exciting stories from their trips, ask them what safety precautions they’d recommend for travelling. If possible, speak to someone who’s already been to the place you’re travelling to or done the activity you’re planning to do.

Back up what you find with safety information from other sources, like guide books and online reviews.

Finally, collate your top safety tips, explain why you’ve chosen them, and display them creatively.

3. Bon voyage

Exciting times ahead! You’re ready to go travelling. Have a great time away!

 Build up a record of your trip – you could take photos or videos, collect a couple of souvenirs, interview people or do some drawings, for example. Use them to make a scrap book, shadowbox or photo gallery.

Out and about safety

  • Plan your route before you go.
  • Make sure someone knows where you're going and when you’ll be back.
  • Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Only do your activity when you are somewhere safe.
  • Always keep to the Green Cross Code and remember to wear reflective or bright clothes/accessories. When you’re out at night, wear reflective clothing or accessories like reflective armbands.
  • Have a way of contacting someone if you get stuck (for example, having a charged phone).

Staying outside overnight

  • Make sure someone knows your plans – where you're going, how long you'll be, what you’ll be doing and when you’ll be back.
  • Have a way of contacting someone if you get stuck (for example, having a charged phone).
  • Prepare properly for your nights away, including checking the weather.

Including others

  • Make sure your parent/carer knows you’re talking to other people and who they are.
  • Never talk to strangers on your own.
  • If you feel worried or confused by any of the answers given, talk to an adult you trust straight away.