Interest badges

Be well
Go the distance, master the moves, and hit it out of the park
If team sports aren’t your thing, there are plenty of other ways to stay fit and active. You can be your own best coach, push your limits and challenge yourself!
Getting a Rangers interest badge
There are 18 interest badges for you to earn at Rangers, and 3 fun challenges to do for each badge.
You can do these badges at any time, anywhere and in any way you’d like. You can do them on your own or with units, during unit meetings, at home or even on holiday.
How to complete this badge
1. Design taster sessions
What other individual sports or activities can you think of? There are lots to choose from, from pilates, martial arts and yoga, to tai-chi and aerobics.
Choose 2 and design a 15-minute taster session for each. Start by finding out how to do the activities safely, and then try them out yourself until you’re confident.
When you’re ready, find a group of friends to do the taster sessions with. Finish by reflecting on how you all feel about each of the sessions.
2. Introduce someone to your favourite sport
Think of an individual sport or physical activity you already know.
You’re going to help someone who’s never tried it to take their first steps. Create a guide to show a beginner all the key moves or actions they need to know.
You could do this as a chart, clearly showing the different motions, or film some short video clips or gifs.
3. Take up a new sport
Your final challenge is to try something completely new!
Choose an individual sport or activity you’ve never tried before… and give it a try! You could sign up to classes led by a tutor, follow an online video at home or use any other resources you can get hold of. Decide how many sessions you’re going to commit to.
Be brave and challenge yourself, but know your limits. Keep a record of how many sessions you’re aiming for and how many you achieve.
Out and about safety
- Plan your route before you go.
- Make sure someone knows where you're going and when you’ll be back.
- Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Only do your activity when you are somewhere safe.
- Always keep to the Green Cross Code and remember to wear reflective or bright clothes/accessories. When you’re out at night, wear reflective clothing or accessories like reflective armbands.
- Have a way of contacting someone if you get stuck (for example, having a charged phone).
Including others
- Make sure your parent/carer knows you’re talking to other people and who they are.
- Never talk to strangers on your own.
- If you feel worried or confused by any of the answers given, talk to an adult you trust straight away.