Brownie snow adventure badge with graphics of girls ice skating, sledging and skiing
Brownies written in brown font on yellow background

Adventure badges


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Brownie snow adventure badge

The Brownies snow adventure badge is a fun way for Brownies to celebrate challenging themselves on a snow adventure activity such as ice skating or snow sledging.

To achieve this badge, they need to  take part in a snow activity where they have to get a bit chilly! Check out the adventure for girls finder that lists some of activities they could do.

Adventure is all about challenging girls. Ask them these questions to work out if they’ve had a snow adventure:

  1. Did the activity or challenge take them outside of their comfort zone or routine?
  2. Was the activity or challenge new for them?
  3. Did they go somewhere new?
  4. Did they discover something new about themselves?

If the answer is yes to at least 3 of these questions, then they’ve achieved this badge!