Skills builders
Reflect stage 5

Know myself
What makes you who you are?
Explore your own community, culture, beliefs and values - and deepen your understanding of others’ too. Stage 5 is recommended for Guides and Rangers.
Here's a taste of the activities you can look forward to trying at this stage. Ask your leader about all the things you'll need to do to earn this badge.
2B or not 2B? - Sometimes you have to think fast, like doing a mental sprint. Other times, you have to think more slowly and for longer, which is more like a mental marathon. In this activity we’re going to practise thinking slowly. So take a deep breath…
Agree to disagree - Disagreements are rarely as simple as they seem! Dig a little deeper to see if you can take an argument out of the battlefield and onto common ground.
Constructive communities - Getting what you want feels great but in reality, being part of a community involves cooperation and compromise. Have a go at 2 completely different but equally tricky group challenges.
Mix it up - Become a master mixologist and whip up a signature drink that showcases all the elements that make your friend the one-off, all-round-awesome person she is!
Trying out traditions - Girlguiding is an organisation famous for its traditions. Try out some activities inspired by guiding traditions and explore the meanings behind them.
Completing your skills builders
There are 12 skills builders to work towards with your unit. Each skills builder has 6 stages to complete during your time at Girlguiding, from Rainbows to Rangers. You’ll get a badge for every stage you complete. To complete stages 1-5, your unit will do 4 out 5 fun activities.
Earn this badge
Ask your leader about the activities you need to do to complete this stage, and record your progress in your badge book.