Skills builders
Live smart stage 4

Skills for my future
Cooking, money management, careers and DIY – all a part of living smart
Develop your resilience and independence as you complete the live smart skills builder. Stage 4 is recommended for Guides.
Here's a taste of the activities you can look forward to trying at this stage. Ask your leader about all the things you'll need to do to earn this badge.
Nutrition mission - You are what you eat — but what are you eating? Find out all about fantastic food groups, then plan and cook a nutritious meal.
Bank it - It’s easy to spend money, but how good are you at saving it? Find out why saving is useful and become the ultimate saver!
Trust your gut - Have you ever had a feeling that something isn’t quite right? Practise using your senses to recognise when something feels wrong, and know how to respond.
Build a board - Have you got what it takes to be an award-winning board game designer? Combine your creative skills with practical DIY to create an amazing new game!
Life hacks - Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Try out these cool but simple hacks to make the most of your time and make your life easier.
Completing your skills builders
There are 12 skills builders to work towards with your unit. Each skills builder has 6 stages to complete during your time at Girlguiding, from Rainbows to Rangers. You’ll get a badge for every stage you complete. To complete stages 1-5, your unit will do 4 out 5 fun activities.
Earn this badge
Ask your leader about the activities you need to do to complete this stage, and record your progress in your badge book.