Skills builders
Live smart stage 3

Skills for my future
Cooking, money management, careers and DIY – all a part of living smart
Develop your resilience and independence as you complete the live smart skills builder. Stage 3 is recommended for Brownies and Guides.
Here's a taste of the activities you can look forward to trying at this stage. Ask your leader about all the things you'll need to do to earn this badge.
Guess who - Creating an item involves more people than you think. Guess who’s part of the process and discover jobs you never even knew existed.
Role up! - We’re all good at different things. Recognise your abilities and develop your skills by planning a fun party with your unit!
Tasty testing - Why pay £1 for an item you could get for half the price? Compare the quality of products against their cost, and make sure you get the best value for your money.
Make your case - Create the perfect pencil case to hold all your stationery and practise your sewing skills at the same time.
Sauce up your life - Cook up a delicious sauce you can make time and time again. Explore your creativity and fill your tummy!
Completing your skills builders
There are 12 skills builders to work towards with your unit. Each skills builder has 6 stages to complete during your time at Girlguiding, from Rainbows to Rangers. You’ll get a badge for every stage you complete. To complete stages 1-5, your unit will do 4 out 5 fun activities.
Earn this badge
Ask your leader about the activities you need to do to complete this stage, and record your progress in your badge book.