Skills builders

Lead stage 3

Skills for my future

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Take the lead, give direction and inspire others

Develop your confidence and core leadership skills with the lead skills builder. Stage 3 is recommended for Brownies and Guides.

Here's a taste of the activities you can look forward to trying at this stage. Ask your leader about all the things you'll need to do to earn this badge.

Cool it - Keep your cool in a heated situation, help resolve an argument and figure out how to get back on track.

Mission managed - Head up a task with your team, see if you can bring the best out of them and lead them to success.

Price up - Want to get the best deal for your team? Practise your negotiating skills and haggle your way to success.

I know my values - What’s important to you? Know your values and how they make you, you.

That's not what I meant - A message can be read a thousand ways. Experiment with your voice and body language to change the meaning of a message.

Completing your skills builders

There are 12 skills builders to work towards with your unit. Each skills builder has 6 stages to complete during your time at Girlguiding, from Rainbows to Rangers. You’ll get a badge for every stage you complete. To complete stages 1-5, your unit will do 4 out 5 fun activities.

Earn this badge

Ask your leader about the activities you need to do to complete this stage, and record your progress in your badge book.

Get your badge book now