Adventure badges
Height adventure badge
This adventure badge takes you a few feet off the ground or soaring into the sky. These are all the activities where you leave the ground.
Height adventure badges are a colourful way for Rainbows to celebrate trying a height adventure activity - such as bungee trampolining or rope courses.
Brownies can celebrate challenging themselves by taking on a height adventure activity such as crate stacking or adventure playground.
The Guides height adventure badge is a fantastic way for you to celebrate a height adventure, from zip wire to stargazing.
Want a great way to get out of our comfort zone? Rangers can try completing a height adventure activity such as abseiling or rope courses like Jacob’s ladder.
Check out the adventure for girls finder for some activities you could do.
Adventure is all about challenging girls. Ask them these questions to work out if they’ve had a height adventure:
- Did the activity or challenge take them outside of their comfort zone or routine?
- Was the activity or challenge new for them?
- Did they experience something new?
- Did they discover something new about themselves?
If the answer is yes to at least 3 of these questions, then they’ve achieved this badge!
PGL sponsor the height adventure badges for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers to help girls learn new skills, build confidence and embrace adventure.