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Interest badges

Event planning

Skills for my future

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Be the best at bringing people together

Do you have a sharp eye for detail? Do you know what makes a good event great? Become a successful event planner and show you’ve got what it takes to throw the best party or gathering.

Getting a Rangers interest badge

There are 18 interest badges for you to earn at Rangers, and 3 fun challenges to do for each badge.

You can do these badges at any time, anywhere and in any way you’d like. You can do them on your own or with units, during unit meetings, at home or even on holiday.

How to complete this badge

1. Explore different events

Start by becoming an event inspector.

Go to at least 1 event – it could be a party, music festival, meeting or any other event – and observe what works well and what you’d do differently. What was the aim of the event, and did it achieve it? Record your findings.

2. Plan your own event

Time to put your great ideas into action by planning an event! It could be a social event, family gathering, meeting or online event.

First, decide on your event’s aim, and think about what will make it enjoyable for both you and your guests. Record this and refer back to it often to make sure you stay on track.

Next, think about what you’ll need to do to make your event a success. Make a list of tasks that need to be done, by who and when.

Here are some ideas:

  • Decide who to invite and make a guest list.
  • Create invitations and send them to your guests.
  • Decide what decorations you might need.
  • Create a budget showing how much money you need and how you’ll get it.
  • Will you need any help? Make a list of your team and their roles so everyone’s clear about what they need to do.
  • Choose a date and set milestones for things you need to achieve in the run-up to your event.
  • Plan your location carefully. You’ll need to make sure it’s safe and accessible for all your guests.

3. Run your event

Once your planning’s done, it’s time to run your event! Put in as much effort as you can to make your ideas a success.

When your event’s over, go back to your role as event inspector. Did you meet your aim? Evaluate what went well and what you’d do differently next time to make it even better.

Share your ideas in whatever way best suits you.

Including others

  • Make sure your parent/carer knows you’re talking to other people and who they are.
  • Never talk to strangers on your own.
  • If you feel worried or confused by any of the answers given, talk to an adult you trust straight away. 

Stay safe – internet safety

To keep safe online, I will…

  • Not share any personal information on the internet (my full name, my home or school address, my phone number or my email address).
  • Only download files on to my devices with permission from my parent/carer.
  • Always ask permission before uploading photos or videos online. If I send pictures, I am aware that these can be forwarded onto others.
  • Tell my parent/carer, teacher or leader if something online worries or upsets me.
  • Only add people online that I know in the real world.
  • Be wary of emails that contain unknown links. I know clicking links can download viruses or other harmful files onto my devices.
  • Treat people online with the same respect as I would in the real world. I will never write anything that might hurt or upset someone.
  • Not meet up with someone that I have met online and if someone asks me to do so, I will tell a parent/carer.
  • Think carefully about what I read, hear and see online, and not trust information unless I have checked it on other websites or in books, or have asked an adult about it.