Overheard in guiding
We recently asked volunteers to share the funny things they have overheard in units on our Facebook page. They didn't disappoint and we received lots of brilliant responses!
Nina Russell, Social Media Coordinator
20 September 2015
Here's a small selection of some of the best quotes on a variety of topics from Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and The Senior Section members
It's brilliant to get an insight into our members' minds!
On food…
A few years ago I remember asking our Brownies if they knew what a trefoil was. One replied, "yes, it's something you have after your tea". A trifle confused I think! - Judith Harrison
We were cooking once and a Brownie said, "You mustn't eat raw egg as it has semolina in it." This was not long after the salmonella scare. – Hilary Weston
We did healthy eating with our Brownies and asked them what a courgette was - one of them described it as an "angry cucumber." – Stephanie Rutt
On travel…
Have any of you heard of the International Space Station?... "I think I've been there!" – Victoria F-C
Brownie talking about commonwealth countries, "I have a cousin who lives in Malawi" Then looked at the map and said, "oh wait it's not Malawi, it's Ireland where they live" – Kaz Riddell
On a night hike on a hill in rural Wiltshire; with views over our local town all lit up one Rainbow said, "I can see all the way to the Eiffel Tower." It was an electricity pylon – Elaine Cook
On animals…
One of my Guides once told me she'd heard that an ostrich's eye is bigger than Australia. When I suggested that she might have misheard, she thought for a few seconds and said, "Actually it might have said Austria." – Ann Clifford-Smith
When playing a parachute game I told the girls to "run into the parachute if you have a rabbit." One girl did and stopped in the middle of the parachute, stood up and exclaimed, "oh no forgot it's dead" and ran back to her place. – Brenda Farley
Whilst decorating a paper octopus: First Ranger, "How do you make an octopus attractive?" Second Ranger, "Give it a nice personality". – Caroline Selwyn-Jones
Misunderstood words...
Holding a bridal shower for our Assistant Leader, she overheard two Brownies discussing if 'Chaffinch' was "going to really have a shower at Brownies?" - Tanya Ann
One Brownie asked if we could do the fertility badge. It took a while to realise she meant agility! - Lisa Rhodes
We planted crocus bulbs in flowerpots at a Rainbow meeting. The following week, one of the mothers told me that her 5-year-old daughter said she was "growing a cockroach!" - Tina Dubble
Thank you to everyone who contacted us. It looks like guiding has some future stand-up stars in the making. You can read all comments on the original Facebook post and submit your own.
Finally, here's a submission from Laura Suzanna Purling proving it's not just the members who get confused…
Leadership fail now. The Rainbows were busy colouring in and one of them said to me, "I need the loo" so I asked one of the older girls to take her. She followed her obediently to the toilets. 5 minutes later the older Rainbow came up to me, "she said she needed the BLUE!" Oh dear! It's so sweet that she didn't even correct me, she just went down to the toilets!
Thanks for sharing this Laura!
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