Girls had a magical day with ODEON

Volunteers and girls attended exclusive screenings of Wish last month, thanks to our friends at ODEON

29 January 2024

From Rainbows to Rangers, units from across the UK gathered on the 9 and 10 December for our seventh exclusive screening event in partnership with ODEON.

Girls and leaders got together for a magical day of fun watching Dinsey’s latest release Wish at an ODEON cinema near them!

Brownies at the premiere 

Before the big weekend, Brownies Sophia and Eirlys headed to the premiere to find out more about the movie and meet the voices behind the Wish characters, bringing us all the action and glitz and glamour from the red carpet. Questions were asked, badges were given out, and some very special memories were made!


Many units shared their adventures with us on social media


Some units even made it into their local paper!

And of course, you bought a whopping 64,000 sparkly badges to celebrate and remember your magical trip to watch Wish.