A Google digital discovery
Learn more about our partnership with Google
In 2022, as part of our partnership with Google, we created digital discovery, a set of unit meeting activities for all sections.
Sitting within the skills for my future theme, they were created to be completed offline, without the need for any tech or technical experience.
The Girls Attitudes’ Survey 2021 told us that girls and young women are still facing barriers when it comes to studying science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). 13% of girls aged 7 to 10 say these subjects are seen as more for boys. However, this increases to over half (52%) of girls and young women aged 11 to 21 - a stat that remains unchanged since 2016. These unit meeting activities were designed to help smash these stereotypes.
We caught up with a Ranger leader, Alex, from LaSER and Helen, a Brownie leader from Anglia, whose units have completed these activities.
Ranger leader, Alex
The Rangers completed Build-a-phone – this unit meeting activity explores phone design and tasks Rangers to considers trade-offs and design their own phone.
‘It was fun and easy to do,' says Alex. 'The instructions meant that the Rangers could do the activity without my help. All I needed to do was ask a few questions. We had a great conversation about what was essential in their phones, and why certain features were or weren't there. We also talked about whether it was better to have a heavier phone that did lots of cool things, or a lighter smaller one that did less.
'I was very impressed at their pitching skills, but also how much they wanted to know more about how the technology fitted together.
'I'd definitely do this unit meeting activity again with new Rangers. It's a great longer length activity that can fill most of a session. Next time we’ll probably more clearly split the 2 activities on the card, the first time have them design a phone for them, then look at designing for someone else for example, for someone with disabilities so phones are for all people.
'One Ranger said "It’s so frustrating that I can’t find a phone that does all these things YET, but they will one day!"
Doing the unit meeting activity also inspired the girls to complete their Ranger digital design badge.’
Brownie leader, Helen
The Brownies explored robots, coding and fixing bugs through Brownie bots.
Helen told us that: ‘It’s a physical activity, hands on and the tactile learning element of it really suits Brownie age. You can hand it to a Brownie, and they can read out the instructions to the other girls and lead the session – which my girls loved. They didn’t have to already know about coding be able to do the activity. They also found out ways to make it harder themselves and kept challenging each other. They really enjoyed watching their friends act as robots, coaching them through instructions (the code they wrote) and problem solving.’
Peyton, one of the Brownies said: ‘I loved trying the Google activity and learning how to code. It was like writing a recipe for a chef but instead, you give details and instructions to something like a robot. It was so much fun! Fixing bugs was hard, but once I tried it a few times I could do it.’
Nicole, one of the Google engineers who helped create the unit meeting activities said: ‘Technology is for everyone and can be made by anyone, which is why girls and young women should be able to pursue their interests in it and have the opportunity to design and build the technology that impacts their lives. We hope the digital skills activities we’ve created with Girlguiding will inspire even more girls to learn about technology in a fun way.
'It’s fantastic seeing the young girls’ faces light up as they begin to understand concepts like coding and learn more about how technology can help to solve all sorts of problems, from the everyday to the epic.’
Have you tried the activities with your unit?
Download them now:
- Rainbows: Happy appy
- Brownies: Brownie bots
- Guides: Chattermatter
- Rangers: Build-a-phone