Girlguiding and Scouts working together
Celebrating 100 years of collaboration
26 November 2019
With a shared history of over 100 years, collaboration between Girlguiding and Scouts is still going strong. We asked members to share some of their highlights of working across organisations.
Making music together
Sarah explains how she reformed the Guide and Scout band in her local area after a hiatus of 12 years.
We applied for grants through both organisations and external companies to purchase some starter instruments and music. We secured the use of a Scout Hut for our rehearsals for minimal rent. The Scout District agree to fund a complete set of uniforms for the band and an external grant provided music stands and waterproofs for use on parades. The band is now six years old with approximately 24 members aged 8 upwards and we have expanded our repertoire greatly. We take part in all sorts of parades and concerts - including a lantern parade in the dark using head torches! - Sarah Goodstadt, Bandmaster, Sale District Scout & Guide Band

The Sale District Scout & Guide Band
A twin town fellowship
PAGGS is a twin town fellowship that has been running for over 50 years. It’s for all uniformed organisations and is made up of five different countries:
- Paisley in Scotland
- Appledoorn in Holland
- Gagney in France
- Gladsaxe in Denmark
- Sutton in England
Collaboration helped us a great deal when we went to the Girlguiding Scotland event ‘Dash to Denmark’ last year. We contacted our Scout friends in Gladsaxe (just outside Copenhagen) and they arranged free use of their Scout complex for us to stay in for the weekend, which was amazing, and just added to the whole experience. It’s great having a good working relationship with our local Scouts - Milly MacKinnon, Paisley Division Commissioner
We’ve had a close working relationship with Paisley and District Scouts for over 50 years! The last joint camp was in Holland in 2019 where we took a joint delegation of 92 Scouts, Guides and leaders from the town. In the run-up to camp we have monthly getting to know each other meetings, weekend practice camps and do joint fundraising - including six hours of bag packing at a local supermarket last Christmas eve! - Elaine Wotherspoon, Assistant Division Commissioner, Girlguiding Paisley
A family for life
I'm a Rainbow leader, my daughters are an Explorer and a Scout, and my husband is the Scout group treasurer. My daughters were also both Rainbows and Brownies as well as Beavers and Cubs! The HQ where I meet for Rainbow meetings is jointly owned by the Girlguiding district and Scout group. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary of the HQ this year - Leader, 2nd Churchdown Rainbow Unit
Postal service
We organise a Christmas Post Service in Darwen. The Post was started 33 years ago by St Joseph's Venture Scouts. My husband (a Ranger unit helper) co-ordinates everyone and organises the printing (a local trader sponsors the printing) and local traders to sell the stamps. The Scout group helps with sorting and provides lots of deliverers. We split Darwen into 50 areas. The profits raised are shared equally between our two groups. That’s about £750 for each group - Anne Cooper, Cellar Dweller Ranger Guides
Helping the environment
A couple of weeks ago, we had the Downton Beavers visit our Downton Rainbow unit, which was great fun! Together, they all made Hedgehog homes to take away and earned themselves a Rustle, Bustle & Squeak badge (SW England), which they really enjoyed. After Christmas we will be making a return visit to do some outdoor activities! - Samantha Bennie, Downton Rainbows