Backstage at the Big Gig
Glow sticks, YouTubers and live TV - Senior Section member Claire fills us in on all the backstage news from the Big Gig
7 October 2017 was definitely a day unlike any other
Myself and two other young members of Girlguiding had the fantastic opportunity to spend the day behind the scenes at Big Gig, only the biggest girls-only pop concert! We were based in the press room along with the Girlguiding PR team and journalists and photographers from media outlets desperate to get their next scoop.
Catching up with Pixie and Ella
Throughout the afternoon we were able to catch a few minutes of most of the acts before hurrying back to the press room to interview the artists after they had finished their set.
All of the performers commented on the unique atmosphere and the sheer energy inside the arena. Pixie Lott, who has performed at previous Big Gigs, said that the experience was “always amazing” and she keeps coming back because she loves the Big Gig so much!
For others this was their first time performing at the event, for example Emma Blackery, who explained how she knew the crowd had enjoyed her performance: “I didn’t get any glow sticks thrown at me!” she told us.
Ella Eyre also noted the difference between the crowd at the Big Gig and at other shows she has played, saying that there is a “sense of unity and community” at the Big Gig that doesn’t exist elsewhere, and praised Girlguiding’s dedication to giving girls their own space.

Top tips from Noodlerella and Louisa Johnson
With so many successful musicians and Youtubers performing at the event, we were keen to find out what their advice for any young people hoping to start out in the performing arts industry would be.
Just start! The beginning is the most difficult part - Youtuber Noodlerella's advice on breaking into vlogging
Many of the acts highlighted how important it was to have the support of family and friends. Louisa Johnson was quick to attribute some of her success to her parents, who took her to singing lessons and auditions when she was younger, and also told us some of her musical inspirations, including Whitney Houston.
My moment in the spotlight
In between interviewing the stars, we also had the chance to talk about Girlguiding and the Big Gig with reporters from external media companies.
I gave an interview on live television, a novel and slightly bizarre experience!
It was a privilege to represent Girlguiding in this capacity, especially as I have been a member for most of my life. We even felt like celebrities ourselves when having our photograph taken with 5 After Midnight - I don’t think I have ever had so many cameras pointing at me at once.
We were also surprised to learn that we had been invited to the backstage area to be interviewed by Caspar Lee - and that the interview would be shown on the huge screen behind the stage! Caspar also got us access to stand in the wings during Pixie Lott’s performance - a particular highlight as we were able to see the fantastic crowd from the artists’ perspective. And to appreciate the sheer number of Girlguiding members who had travelled from all over the country to enjoy the show.

Back in the press room, we completed our final couple of interviews, polished off the last few snacks and signed off on social media.
It was an amazing opportunity and as always I was glad to have made new friends through guiding. It was my first Big Gig and I look forward to many more (although perhaps next time I will be in the audience rather than on the big screen…)
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