
What you can expect from our email newsletters

Our newsletters are a quick and easy way to keep up to date with everything happening in Girlguiding. 

Essential updates

Why am I getting this email?

All adult members get this email, regardless of their volunteering role, get this email. When you sign up to be a member of Girlguiding you’ve agreed to terms and conditions of your membership. This includes a legal right of ‘legitimate interest’ for us to contact you with ‘essential information’ about your membership and your role in Girlguiding.

When will I get them?

The first Wednesday of each month. If there’s something urgent to tell you, we might email you outside of this schedule, but this won't happen too often.

What’s in it

Things that you need to know to be able to deliver good and safe guiding, including:

  • Policies and procedures
  • Essential training, like safer guiding and data protection
  • Changes to national programme
  • Subscriptions information
  • Membership systems changes
  • Changes to senior volunteers

Girlguiding news

Why am I getting this email?

If you opted in to hear about activities, events and opportunities open to you as part of guiding, our fundraising, campaigns and research, and products and services you can buy, then you’ll get Girlguiding news emails.

It's packed full of fantastic information about all the things going on in guiding. You'll also find lots of inspiration for delivering great guiding and fantastic opportunities we offer for both volunteers and girls.

When will I get them?

Second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

What’s in it

  • Information about additional things you can do with your unit, such as events like exclusive cinema screenings with our partner ODEON
  • Free activities for unit meetings linked to partners or non-core programme
  • Information to help you run your unit, including fundraising ideas
  • Guiding specific days, for example World Thinking Day
  • Details of national Girlguiding campaigns

Not getting Girlguiding news?

Check your mailing preferences on GO by logging in. Click on your name in the top right hand corner. A drop down list will appear. Click on My Marketing preferences and tick the email box.

Still having problems? Email [email protected].

Girlguiding magazine

Why am I getting this email?

If members opt in to receive our digital magazine, they’ll get 2 issues a year delivered to their inbox.

The magazine has lots of ideas for unit meetings, features lots of different members, and has activities for volunteers to do in their spare time too.

When will I get them?

Twice a year. There’s a spring-summer issue and an autumn-winter issue.

Not getting Girlguiding magazine?

Click on your name in the top right hand corner. A drop down list will appear. Click on ‘My guiding preferences’. You can then opt-in the magazine halfway down the page. Don’t forget to click on the update button at the bottom.

Still having problems? Email [email protected].

Updates for parents and carers

Why am I getting this email?

If parents of members under 14 opt in to hear about activities, events and opportunities open to their child as part of guiding, our fundraising, campaigns and research, and products and services you can buy, then they’ll get our updates for parents and carers email.

It's packed full of fantastic information about all the things young members get up to and can get involved in.

When will I get them?

The third Monday of each month.

What’s in it

  • Information about additional things they might do with their unit, such as events like exclusive cinema screenings with our partner ODEON.
  • Discounts in our online shop.
  • Guiding specific days, like World Thinking Day.
  • Details of national Girlguiding campaigns.

Not getting updates for parents and carers?

Parents can check their mailing preferences on GO by logging in. Click on their child's name in the top right hand corner. A drop down list will appear. Click on My Marketing preferences and tick the email box.

Still having problems? Email [email protected].

Young people’s update

Why am I getting this email?

If members over 14 opt in to hear about activities, events and opportunities open to them as part of guiding, our fundraising, campaigns and research, and products and services you can buy, then they’ll get our updates for young people email.

It's packed full of fantastic information about all the things young members get up to and can get involved in.

When will I get them?

When there’s something important or exciting we want young people to know.

What’s in it

  • Information about additional things young members might do with their unit, such as events like exclusive cinema screenings with our partner ODEON.
  • Opportunities, like becoming an advocate.
  • Guiding specific days, like World Thinking Day.
  • Details of national Girlguiding campaigns.

Not getting updates for young people?

Young people can check their mailing preferences on GO by logging in. Click on their name in the top right hand corner. A drop down list will appear. Click on My Marketing preferences and tick the email box.

Still having problems? Email [email protected].