Our spokespeople
We can connect you with members across the UK, ready to share their views and experiences
Girls and young women want to be heard on the issues affecting their lives today.
This is why our young members are our spokespeople and represent Girlguiding in all aspects of the media.
Our young spokespeople
We can put you in touch with these engaged young people for interviews and reactions to breaking news.
Girlguiding's advocate panel: this group of 18 young Girlguiding members aged 14 to 25 are the voice of our membership. They take social action, represent our members in media interviews, speak at events and blog about the issues affecting girls and young women today.
Girl experts by experience: our young members are the ultimate experts on what it means to be a girl in the UK right now. This group of girls - aged from 4 to 25 and based in every corner of the UK - are supported by us to speak out and share their own experiences. They bring issues to life by telling their stories and they can help you to create authentic media stories.
Set up an interview with our young spokespeople
From 9am to 5pm, call 020 7592 1891 to speak to our press office. Outside of these hours, call 0207 592 1733. You can also email [email protected].
Our senior spokeswoman
Our chief guide Tracy Foster. Tracy has been part of Girlguiding since she started as a Brownie. She’s gone on to become a Brownie leader at that same unit for 17 years, and now leads a Guide unit.
Set up an interview with Tracy
From 9am to 5pm, call 020 7592 1891 to speak to our press office. Outside of these hours, call 0207 592 1733. You can also email [email protected].