Let's be more inclusive and make a bigger impact

We want to have an even bigger impact and influence, locally and across the UK

We want Girlguiding to have an even bigger impact and influence on local communities and across the UK.

So we’re going to find fresh and exciting ways to welcome new girls and volunteers to make sure our community develops to reflect the world around us.

We’re going to make more people better aware of Girlguiding by proudly telling the world about our amazing achievements and hero girls’ voices.

Grow the number of people who know about Girlguiding

Use inspiring marketing campaigns and ambassadors to shout out about Girlguiding and the awesome things we do in communities and nationally.

Open to all girls

Work with local communities to create new opportunities for every girl and develop how we think, talk and work so our membership reflects the world we live in.

'I wish guiding was advertised more widely and publicly. A fantastic organisation yet, unless you have been involved as a young girl, you would not know of it.'


Making an impact together

Come together as a community of women to support Future Girl and make change in the world on issues most important to girls.

Show our impact

Create clear ways to measure and show the difference we make.

'Being active and involved in the community. It’s such a positive experience.'


How we're supporting this goal in 2020

  • Refreshing how we talk about what Girlguiding does and our place in the world.
  • Carrying out an audit to make sure that Girlguiding is a diverse and inclusive community.
  • Empowering girls to make their voices heard through our Future Girl initiative and Girls’ Attitudes Survey research.
  • Continuing our fundraising and working with corporate partners.

Explore our shared goals