Ranger uniform
What Rangers should wear for events and unit meetings
In Rangers you can wear different uniform depending what you’re doing or where you're going. It’s often agreed as a unit what the uniform will be for unit meetings.
What Rangers wear
All Rangers should have a uniform top. You can wear it with any bottoms that suit the occasion or event.
The uniform tops available are:
For formal events, you should wear the formal blouse with a smart skirt or trousers in black or navy.
Where do Ranger badges go?
Rangers should follow these guidelines for adding badges to their uniform:
Promise badges – you can add a Ranger badge tab to the right-hand side of your uniform to display metal badges like the Promise badge. If you don’t have a badge tab, then wear your Promise badge on the left-hand side, closest to your heart.
Interest badges, awards and skills builders – with your unit and leader you’ll choose where and how to display your badges.
Union Flag badge - for international events or when travelling abroad with guiding, this Union Flag badge should be worn on the left shoulder.
Rangers can decide as a unit if they want to wear neckerchiefs. If your unit chooses to wear them then a colourful range is available through the Girlguiding shop. Neckerchiefs shouldn’t be worn with a formal uniform.
At international events, Rangers can wear the UK international neckerchief along with, or instead of, a national neckerchief for either Girlguiding Cymru, Scotland or Ulster.
Young leaders
Rangers who are also young leaders won't be expected to buy both sets of uniform. Instead they can wear their Rangers uniform with the new young leader badge tab. If members wish to buy both uniforms, then they’re welcome to do so.
The young leader uniform range is now available - it includes a badge tab, blouse, polo shirt and hoodie.
Grab your guiding items
All of our uniform items are available to buy online, direct from Girlguiding.