Girlguiding's 2022 memories
Members' memories from the last year
We made so many memories last year, from trying new things at big events to special moments in unit meetings.
Here are some members' favourite memories from 2022:
Loads this year but top two are catching up with friends across our region and my first holiday back after lockdown. - Sue
Visit to the Palace with our Brownies and lunch in the park. - Barbara
Helping to run an activity day for 250 Guides and Brownies in Kenya - visit delayed from 2019. Crafts, science, games, campfire and disco. Thank you to my guiding friends in Staffordshire for an amazing trip. Also being welcomed by my new division following an area move. Thank you Whitby division - I'm looking forward to guiding in 2023. - Joanna
Being back at Guide and Ranger Camp! - Debbie
Volunteering at the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall. It was an amazing experience: the atmosphere, the guiding friends made and the supporters of the British Legion were all wonderful. - Jo
Finally getting to Switzerland with my Guides! After twice being postponed due to covid, 24th Stockport Guides had an amazing trip. - Sharon
Sleepover on remembrance weekend with my Brownies and Guides - here's our film before bed. Before attending our remembrance service at the church where we meet. - Sarah
Receiving my 10 year award whilst wearing an owl onesie for our Christmas party. With how cold it had been that week, it was a lovely, cosy change to actually be warm in our church hall, even with the heating on. As a unit, having our first Rainbow Gold award receiver also get her Bronze, Silver and Gold Brownies awards, plus another girl get all three Brownie awards too. Both now working towards earning their Guides' Bronze. - Marion
Remembrance parade! - Jayne
Christmas camp the hottest week of the year! - Lou
Making it to Disneyland Paris with my Guides and Rangers and getting my international licence. - Emma
Taking the Guides to Shrewsbury prison and sleeping in the cells overnight. Also being part this amazing team. - Lyn
1st Cookstown Derryloran Brownies, act of kindness: filling Smartie tubes with 20ps then shopping in Asda for local food bank. - Karen
Making it to Switzerland with a group of 18 Rangers and Guides after a year's postponement of the trip with the added challenge/bonus of a city break in Basel when our return flight was cancelled. - Ann
Girlguiding Suffolk's Land of Make Believe days for Brownies at Hautbois this summer. I was one of several pooped unicorns! Also becoming district commissioner for Beccles. - Caroline
Joining the Guides to try the mega stand up paddleboard at our Guide adventure day. - Helen
Being invited to the Jubilee tea party and beacon lighting with Oxfordshire Girlguiding. - Sue
The first site visit to Girlguiding Birmingham's new headquarters with the property team who have worked so hard negotiating with the developers. - Jayne
Poacher! - Fran
Going on Brownie holiday again. - Jackie
Taking part in the Festival of Remembrance was my highlight this year, seen here with my friend and unit leader Mary. - Clare
Our first county international trip abroad since Covid paused trips. Getting to go to Our Chalet with a great group of Guides and leaders and making new friendships. Gaining in confidence and doing new activities that I would not normally consider, all whilst having fun, making memories and lots of laughter. - Rachel
What a year 2022 was! If you went on any adventures you want to share with us, or perhaps you've got something planned for this year, let us know by emailing [email protected].
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