All about our awards
Learn all about some of our special awards and how you can nominate someone for one
Our volunteers, young members and friends of Girlguiding are amazing. And awards are a wonderful way to celebrate their work.
There are awards for outstanding service, being with Girlguiding for a long time, for great work and more. Find out about the seven awards that can be given to members.
Long service awards 
What are they?
A badge and certificate that recognises 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years of volunteering for Girlguiding.
Who can get them?
Any adult member who volunteers regularly, no matter what their role, gender or age is. Years are counted from the date someone aged 16 or over becomes a member and the years of service don’t have to be all in one go.
Who can give them?
County commissioners can use GO to keep track of when the awards are due. The five-year certificate is signed by the county commissioner, 10 and 20-year certificates are signed by the country or region chief commissioner and 30, 40, 50 and 60-year certificates are signed by the chief guide.
Silver Fish
What is it?
The highest award a member can achieve. It’s for those who have had a big impact through lots of roles and highlights truly exceptional support for Girlguiding.
Who can get it?
An active member who's done exceptional work. They will have held a range of roles at all levels in Girlguiding and have a clear understanding of the place of Girlguiding in WAGGGS. This is Girlguiding's highest honour so only a few awards are given out each year.
Who can give it?
Anyone can nominate a volunteer for a Silver Fish award. Send the nomination to the awards committee without the nominee knowing, and include their Girlguiding history, letters of support and a cover letter. Awards are given to recipients by the awards committee on behalf of the Chief Guide. Find out more about the award.
Laurel award
What is it?
The second-highest award in Girlguiding that recognises an outstanding contribution to our work.
Who can get it?
An active adult member whose service to Girlguiding has gone above and beyond. This can include holding several roles and showing amazing leadership in them, helping to develop Girlguiding or being a respected peer and positive role model.
Who can give it?
Anyone can nominate a volunteer for a Laurel award. Like the Silver Fish award, it must be sent to the awards committee without the nominee knowing, including their Girlguiding history, letters of support and a cover letter. People are given this award by the awards committee on behalf of the Chief Guide. Find out more about the Laurel award.
Guiding star
What is it?
A brooch for showing resilience, being an exceptional role model or showing initiative in an emergency.
Who can get it?
Young members aged up to 19 who has done one of more of the above.
Who can give it?
Any member can fill out a short application form and send it to their country or region office after having a chat with the relevant commissioner about it. Our awards committee will look over it and decide whether the Guiding Star is the right fit. Find out more about the award.
Thanks badge 
What is it?
A brooch or lapel pin that can be given as thanks for a volunteer’s support. A certificate is given with this award as well.
Who can get it?
Members and non-members. It can be given to members of the Trefoil Guild if they have given service specifically to Girlguiding. It can be given to anyone, no matter how old they are.
Who can give it?
Any member of Girlguiding can give it after speaking with a leader or their local commissioner.
Good Service brooch 
What is it?
A brooch to recognise excellent service to Girlguiding. There's also a certificate that is given with it.
Who can get it?
Adult members who are a current volunteer or have finished a role less than six months before getting the award.
Who can give it?
Usually, a county commissioner but the chief guide, a chief commissioner, a country commissioner, or a commissioner of a branch association can give someone the Good Service brooch too. Any members can nominate someone to get the award.
Hero award
What is it?
A certificate to recognise members or friends of Girlguiding who have done something wonderful that has in some way helped others. It's signed by the chief guide and a Thanks badge or Good Service brooch is often given with it.
Who can get it?
Anyone can get this award. It could be for a supporting a member of their community, coping with adversity or supporting a special fundraising project. The possibilities are endless!
Who can give it?
Anyone can fill nominate someone for the award and anyone can award it. A county commissioner will be the one who looks over the nomination and decides if it’s suitable. Find out some more information on the new award.

‘As chair, my best moments are seeing the stunned, delighted face of a person getting a totally unexpected accolade'
Hilary Cooper is chair of the awards committee, which is made up of seven people who decide who gets an award. She is also a Ranger leader and has held a range of roles, including region chief commissioner and a trustee. She wants awards to be more known to members so that more people can be nominated for their amazing work, saying 'everyone should look around at the people they know and think of who meets the criteria'.
Remember, formal awards are just one way to say thanks to members of Girlguiding and branch associations. Get more ideas for thanking your volunteers and recognising what they do.