Top 5 most popular interest badges

Check out the 5 most completed interest badges for each section

14 January 2025

We asked volunteers, girls and their parents and carers for their thoughts on our programme, including interest badges.

Explore our current range of interest badges

We’re working with members to launch 72 new interest badges for girls across all 4 sections in 2025. We’ll be sharing more sneak peeks in the coming months. For now, browse what interest badges are currently available for girls to do.

Over 900,000 girls have completed interest badges 

As part of our promise to review the programme, there’s lots of feedback we’re sharing slowly with you. All of the findings below are from July 2018 (when the new programme was introduced) to April 2023. 

In that time, over 900,000 interest badges were completed by girls! That’s 900,000 individual times girls have picked up a new hobby, explored something they’re passionate about or stepped outside of their comfort zone. 

This year, we’re doubling the number of interest badges for girls to do so they get to have even more unforgettable experiences with Girlguiding. 

Top 3 most popular themes for interest badges 

As you may know, every badge is part of 1 of 6 themes which has its own colour. Out of all the interest badges girls completed between July 2018 and April 2023, there were 3 themes that came up the most across every section. 

In order of popularity, they were: 

  1. Be well (purple). 
  2. Express myself (dark pink). 
  3. Know myself (blue). 

Keep reading to find out the top 5 interest badges for each individual section: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. 

Popular interest badges by section 


The most completed interest badges for Rainbows (in order) are: 


The most completed interest badges for Brownies (in order) are: 


The most completed interest badges for Guides (in order) are: 


The most completed interest badges for Rangers (in order) are: 

How are we using this feedback?  

Knowing what girls enjoy the most from our current range of interest badges has been an important part of creating the 72 new ones launching later this year. Alongside this feedback, we've gathered ideas that girls have sent to us through the topper activity, input from our youth panel Amplify and lots of testing with units across the UK is a big part of how we’re working directly with members to create more activities that girls truly love. 

Ready to learn what these much-loved interest badges are all about? 

Download our spring 2025 term programme planner

You can use this programme planner throughout the guiding term to plan programme activities for all sections. Now interest badges can be done in units too, we’ve put those in there! You’ll also find lots of links to different days and events happening in 2025.