Celebrate World Thinking Day 2025

Discover World Thinking Day events and ways to celebrate in your country or region

20 January 2025

On 22 February every year, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world celebrate World Thinking Day – an opportunity to reflect on our global movement, and think about members around the world.  

In 2025, the theme for World Thinking Day is Our Story. We’ll be collectively diving into the past, present and future of the guiding movement, and reflecting on the values and symbolism of what it means to be a Girl Guide or Girl Scout.  

For activities and games based around this year’s theme, you can get stuck into the WAGGGS 2025 activity pack (PDF, 11,870kB) with your girls. And you can find out more about the history and meaning behind World Thinking Day here. 

In the spirit of coming together with your guiding sisters, why not check out one of the World Thinking Day events in your country or region? These events are an opportunity to celebrate World Thinking Day alongside thousands of other girls and volunteers across Girlguiding and remind girls in your unit that they’re part of a bigger movement. Plus, they’re a tonne of fun! 

What’s on

If you can’t see your country or region listed below, don’t worry. There are plenty of local events going on across the UK to celebrate Our Story; check out your local guiding social channels to find out what’s on. 


Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned pyjama party? Get together for a region-wide sleepover filled with fun international-themed crafts and games. It’s up to your unit or local district / division to decide how to host your sleepover; but Anglia are running several support webinars and have set up a dedicated Facebook page in the run-up to the event. Find out more on the Girlguiding Anglia website.  


Girlguiding Midlands have released an exciting new challenge pack, called I am 1 in 10 million, to celebrate all things guiding near and far. Girls can get stuck into county-specific and international-themed games and activities, with the chance to earn a special badge at the end! Find out more and download the pack from Girlguiding Midlands’ website.

North West England

Girlguiding North West are organising a virtual postcard swap with British Overseas Territories. Units can get together to create their very own postcard, complete with pictures of their area and their favourite guiding memories, to swap with another unit in the region or overseas. For more information, including where to send your postcard and what to include, check Girlguiding North West’s website. And be sure to get your postcard out by 7 February!

South West England

Each year Girlguiding South West launch their own World Thinking Day resource on their dedicated website hub. You can grab your special World Thinking Day 2025 badge, get stuck into exciting activities, take part in a social media countdown and more. There are plenty of events happening locally, so check your local guiding social media channels for more on what’s on. 


If you’re based in Ulster, head on over to Lorne estate on Saturday 22 February for Ulster’s ‘Thinking Day: Our Story’ event. Expect a full day of fun, designed to help girls learn about the history of our movement, build confidence, and develop lots of great skills. The event is open to girls in all sections and costs £16 per girl; leaders go free and the WAGGGS 2025 badge is included in the price. For more information and to book for your unit, check out the event page on Ulster’s website.

Get your World Thinking Day 2025 badge

Head to our shop and get your hands on your very own World Thinking Day 2025 badge.

Buy the badge