Introducing our Be Well theme
Explore Be Well, one of six new programme themes
Feeling good inside and out.
Stop. Breathe. Stretch. Take a moment to relax. Because we’re going to talk about our Be Well theme, which is all about looking after yourself. And those around you too.
Everything in our new programme - from badges and awards to unit meeting activities and skills builders - fits into one of our six programme themes. With our Be Well theme, girls and young women explore how to stay safe, healthy and happy. They learn how to help others when they’re hurt too - essential skills to take with them through life.
Awards, activities and badges to make you feel good
From Healthy Mind and Meditation to Sports and First aid, there's loads of Be Well interest badges and skills builders to explore. Check them all out in our badge finder. There's lots of unit meeting activities to try out too.
Girls and young women who want to take Be Well further can achieve their theme award for each section by completing:
- One interest badge
- One skills builder stage
- A certain number of hours of unit meeting activities from the Be Well theme: 3 hours for Rainbows, 4 hours for Brownies and 5 hours for Guides and Rangers

Look out for the Be Well icon
The Be Well icon is a white heart in a purple circle.
You can recognise Be Well awards, badges and unit meeting activities by their purple colour.
We recommend units spend about 60% of meeting time on Girlguiding programme activities.
How you’ve been getting on with Be Well
Some girls and their units have been trying out activities from the Be Well theme. They shared what they’ve been getting up to.
For us Be Well is about looking after the whole girl. We are loving how it covers mental health, well-being, relaxation, as well as the more traditional ideas of physical activity and healthy diets. Working with girls in Rangers, ideas around holistic well-being are so important especially during exam season, I am so pleased guiding has looked at 'be well' from a range of angles. - Emma, leader
I enjoyed doing my Dancing badge, as it was a hobby that was new to me. I am part of a netball club and an athletics club so I love doing sport, but I have never really done dance before. I like how you can do the new badges even if it’s something you are doing for the first time and you can do them without having to go to lessons. The best bit was sharing the dance I made up with the other girls in my six at Brownies. - Isobel, aged 9
Our Brownies have been working on their First aid skills builder. They have a great time acting out scenarios and have learnt that we all need good mental health as well as physical health. - Joanne, Brownie leader
Our Guides have completed the Stages 3 and 4 First aid. We LOVED it. Especially putting together a first aid kits from random items. The girls were on the look out for any emergencies they could take control of in the following days! Brilliant resource 😁- Elizabeth, Guide leader
Our Rainbows and Brownies (separate units, same leaders) have started Feel good skills builders at Stage 1 (Rainbows) and Stage 2 (Brownies), and are continuing them this half term. We're mixing in other skills builders and unit meeting activities, as well as other activities, to create a busy and balanced programme. So far the girls in both units have enjoyed most things that we have tried from the new programme 😁 - Heather, Rainbow and Brownie leaders
Now take the Be Well quiz
See if you can beat our just-for-fun quiz on all things Be Well.